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Tuis » Asiatiese watermonitor

Asiatiese watermonitor

Asiatiese watermonitor (Varanus Salvator)

Asian Water Monitor Care – Inligting, Omhulsel, Dieet & Gesondheid

The Asian Water Monitor (Varanus redder), also known as the Water Monitor or Common Water Monitor, is a captivating reptile popularly kept as a pet. Renowned for its impressive size, intelligence, and unique characteristics, this species has become a sought-after choice for reptile enthusiasts. As one of the largest monitor lizards in the world, the Asian Water Monitor demands attention and respect with its commanding presence. In terms of habitat,… Lees meer »Asian Water Monitor Care – Inligting, Omhulsel, Dieet & Gesondheid

Ackie Monitor Akkedis

Monitor akkedissorgwenke

Om vir 'n monitor-akkedis te sorg is geen maklike ding nie, aangesien hierdie diere daaglikse aandag en spesifieke omgewingstoestande benodig om te floreer en gelukkig te wees. As jy 'n Savannah-monitor of enige groot akkedis besit, jy moet seker maak dat hulle daagliks toegang tot kos het, water en vermaak, dat hul omgewing skoon is en voldoende bronne van lig en hitte het, en om gesondheidsondersoeke uit te voer… Lees meer »Monitor akkedissorgwenke