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التنين الملتحي

دليل ومعلومات للعناية بالتنين الملتحي: متطلبات الضميمة, النظام الغذائي والتغذية, الصحة والمزيد. كيفية الحفاظ على اللحى والعناية بها كحيوان أليف.

Bearded dragon with strawberries, mulberries, شجر العليق - أجهزة البلاك بيري, توت العليق, والتوت.

What Berries Can Bearded Dragons Eat?

Bearded dragons can eat berries, but only in moderation. توت العليق, توت, فراولة, شجر العليق - أجهزة البلاك بيري, and mulberries are all safe for bearded dragons to eat. These berries are a good source of vitamins, المعادن, and antioxidants, but they are also high in sugar. Too many berries can lead to obesity and other health problems.

Bearded Dragons with Milk and Dairy

Can Bearded Dragons Have Milk and Dairy?

Bearded dragons are lactose intolerant, meaning they cannot digest milk properly. This means that they should not be given milk or any other dairy products. Dairy products can cause a number of digestive problems in bearded dragons, including diarrhea, القيء, bloating, and weight loss.