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أفضل الفواكه لتيجو

Tegu lizards can eat just about anything, و fruits are a well-known staple in their diet.

Dietary studies of wild Argentine tegu lizards showed that the contents of their stomach was made up of more than half of fruits and vegetables.

Even Colombian tegus, التي تكاد تكون آكلة اللحوم بالكامل, eat fruit regularly في البرية.

Tegus need a variety of fruits and vegetables in order to have access to all the vitamins they need to be healthy.

كمالك tegu, ومع ذلك, you need to make sure to feed fruit in moderation as most fruits are high in sugars and can be very acidic, which can lead to health issues such as obesity, thyroid problems, or impaired calcium absorption.

تحتوي هذه الصفحة على روابط تابعة. بصفتنا شركاء أمازون ، قد نربح عمولة على مشتريات المنتجات المؤهلة. هذا دون أي تكاليف إضافية عليك.

Argentine tegu surrounded by fruits
Tegu lizard and fruit

شئ متعارف عليه, ليس أكثر من 10% of your tegu’s diet should consist of fruit. But you may go even lower than this, provided you still feed your pet plenty of nutrient-rich vegetables.

Argentine and Red tegu should have 10% of fruits and an additional 30% of vegetables in their diet.

Colombian tegus, as well as any juvenile tegu regardless of species, should have 10% of combined fruits AND vegetables.

If in doubt, always serve highly nutritious vegetables first (أي. قرع, الخضر, peppers) and only offer a couple of fruits per day as a treat.

هكذا قال, not all fruits are equal, and some can be served regularly as they’ll provide a heap of nutrients and health benefits to your tegu.

Berries and exotic fruits like mango and papaya are especially great for tegus. تفاح, pears and bananas can also be fed in moderation.

Most citrus fruits are highly acidic but even then you can feed oranges in moderation without much issues.

There are only very few fruits that should be avoided altogether, such as avocado.

زيلا اومنيفور ميكس
زيلا اومنيفور ميكس – الحشرات, الفواكه والخضروات + الكالسيوم

زيلا خليط الخضار والفواكه

زيلا مزيج الخضار + الكالسيوم

Feed regularly

تغذية باعتدال

Best to avoid

  • Cedar
  • Grapefruit
  • ليمون
  • Limes
  • برقوق

Never feed

Tegu eating a bowl of berries and fruits.
Berries and exotic fruits are amongst the healthiest foods for tegu.

What is the best fruit for tegu?

The best fruit for tegus are berries and exotic fruits such as mango and papaya.

These fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for your tegu’s health.

Berries are particularly beneficial as they are packed with antioxidants that can help protect your tegu from diseases and boost their immune system.

Mangoes and papayas, من ناحية أخرى, are rich in Vitamin A and C, which are important for healthy skin and eyesight.

How much fruit should I feed my tegu?

As a general guideline, ليس أكثر من 10% of your tegu’s diet should be fruits.

Argentine and Red tegus should have 10% of fruits and an additional 30% of vegetables, whereas Colombian tegus, as well as any juvenile tegu regardless of species, should have 10% of combined fruits AND vegetables.

It is essential to provide your tegu with a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits and vegetables to ensure they get all the necessary nutrients to maintain optimal health.

What fruits should tegus avoid?

There are only a few fruits that tegus should avoid altogether, such as avocado.

Avocado contains persin, which is toxic to many animals, بما في ذلك tegus. Other fruits to avoid or feed very sparingly include cedar, grapefruit, lemons, limes, and plums.

These fruits may cause digestive issues or contain high levels of acidity, which can lead to health problems for your tegu.

Why can’t tegus eat avocado?

على عكس الفواكه الأخرى, تصنع الأفوكادو في الغالب من الدهون, وهو غني جدًا بحمض الأكساليك والتي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى أمراض العظام الأيضية.

من المعروف أن السحالي الأصغر مثل التنين الملتحي من المحتمل أن تموت بعد ساعات قليلة من تناول الأفوكادو, لذلك لا تريد المخاطرة بتسمم tegu الخاص بك.

يمكن أن يأكل تيجوس الموز?

نعم, tegus can eat bananas and even banana peels (if organic and free of pesticides).

Bananas are best fed in moderation due to their high content of sugar and phosphorus.

من الناحية المثالية, chop half a banana into small pieces and feed no more than twice a week.

يمكن أن يأكل tegus الحمضيات (أي. lemons and oranges)?

لا ينبغي إطعام الحمضيات لتيغوس بانتظام لأنها قد تؤدي إلى اضطراب في المعدة ومشاكل أخرى.

ليمون, تعتبر الليمون والفواكه المماثلة من أكثر الأطعمة الحمضية الموجودة هناك ويجب تجنبها.

Oranges and clementines are however okay to feed to tegus in small quantities as they are less acidic and a great source of vitamin C. 

Can tegus eat clementines?

Clementines are perfectly safe for tegus in moderation, although they are not particularly high in calcium so there are better food choices out there.

It is best to only offer clementines as a treat.

يمكن لتيغوس أن يأكل فاكهة التنين?

Dragon fruit (also known as Pitaya) is nutritious, لكنها تميل إلى أن تكون حمضية وعالية الفوسفور, لذلك فمن الأفضل إطعامه إلى tegu الخاص بك بشكل متقطع.

قشر فاكهة التنين وقطّعها إلى قطع قبل تقديمها للتيجو.

يمكن أن يأكل تيجوس العنب?

يمكن لتيغوس أن تأكل جميع أنواع العنب, على الرغم من أنه ينبغي تفضيل الأصناف الخالية من البذور.

عنب كونكورد غني بالأكسالات وحمضي إلى حد ما, لذلك من الأفضل إطعامه باعتدال.

إذا كنت من مجموعة متنوعة من العنب مع البذور فيه, من الأفضل تقطيع العنب إلى النصف وإزالة البذور قبل التقديم, حيث أن بذور الفاكهة قد تزيد من خطر الإنحشار.

يمكن أن يأكل تيجوس الكيوي?

نعم, tegus can absolutely eat kiwi fruit, including the peel and seeds. Kiwi is rich in vitamins C, ه, و ك, وكذلك الألياف, البوتاسيوم, and antioxidants.

This nutritious fruit can be a great addition to your tegu’s diet, as long as it is given in moderation.

Can tegus eat papaya?

نعم, tegus can eat papaya without any issues.

Papaya is a highly nutritious fruit that can provide your tegu with several essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, ج, and E, folate, والبوتاسيوم.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك, the enzymes in papaya can help your tegu digest its food more efficiently.

Can tegus eat plums?

نعم, tegus can eat plums and prunes. These fruits have many benefits, including minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

لكن, they contain plenty of sugars and have an unbalanced level of calcium and phosphorus so they are best offered as a treat rather than on a regular basis.

يمكن أن يأكل tegus الطماطم?

While tomatoes are safe for tegus to eat, من الأفضل إطعامهم إلى tegu الخاص بك فقط بشكل متقطع.

Tomatoes are known for being highly acidic, which can cause digestive issues and other health problems in tegus if consumed too frequently.

لكن, the occasional serving of tomato can be a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants.

Red tegu يأكل موزة
Red tegu يأكل موزة.

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