Blue-tongue skinks are omnivores and can feed on fruits such watermelon, melon and cantaloupe.
It is important to offer watermelon cut in small pieces and de-seeded, but other than that, there are no serious health concerns of feeding melons to skinks.
That said, water melon should only be fed in moderation and in small amounts.
This is because it is not very nutritious and has a high water content. Eating too much watermelon at once may have a laxative effect in blue-tongued skinks.
Reptilink Options for Blue-tongue Skinks
The 25/25/50 Omnivore blend + Insects reptilinks are specially formulated for adult and subadult blue-tongued skinks they contain 50% vegetable matter (no fruit), 25% insects, and 25% lean rabbit.
Ingredients: Insects (hisser roaches, crickets, superworms), Rabbit (Ohio raised New Zealand white or California white breed, includes entire carcass) organic green beans, collard greens, dandelion greens, endive, 100% natural collagen casing.
You can get $5 off your next Reptilinks order by using code ‘petswithscales’ at checkout or by ordering through our promotional link. is an informational website about big lizard pet care. We collect and provide information from different sources across the web on how to keep and care for reptiles as pets. The species we mainly deal with are tegus, monitor lizards, skinks and geckos. Our aim is to provide high quality information to help pet owners make better, more informed decisions about their animal’s diets, health and life.