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Domov » Aligátor


Pet Alligator on a Leash

Can You Own a Pet Alligator?

Owning a pet alligator requires understanding their wild instincts and needs. Alligators cannot be fully domesticated, posing safety risks and demanding specialized care.

Aligátor jíst čokoládové marshmallows

Can Alligators and Crocodiles Eat Chocolate?

Čokoláda je lidská pochoutka, ale pro aligátory představuje vážnou hrozbu. Aligátoři jsou masožraví plazi, kteří obývají sladkovodní ekosystémy, jako jsou řeky, jezera, bažiny, a močály. Mají impozantní čelisti, obrněná kůže, a dlouhý ocas, který jim pomáhá při plavání a balancování. Aligátoři konzumují různé druhy kořisti, včetně ryb, želvy, hadi, ptactvo, a savci. Čokoláda není vhodnou potravou pro aligátory. Není to přirozené… Přečtěte si více »Can Alligators and Crocodiles Eat Chocolate?

Alligators in Tennessee

Jsou v Tennessee aligátoři? jezera, řeky a oblasti s aligátory

Alligators are expanding their range northward and have been spotted in several counties in Tennessee, including Shelby, Hardin, and Fayette. Lakes and rivers with alligators in Tennessee include Lake Chickamauga, Lake Barkley, Reelfoot Lake, the Mississippi River, the Tennessee River, and the Wolf River Wildlife Management Area.

Alligators in Florida

Jsou na Floridě aligátoři?

Florida is home to one of the largest population of alligators in the world, with an estimated 1.3 million individuals. Alligators can be found in all 67 counties in Florida, and they can be found in a variety of habitats, including swamps, marshes, jezera, řeky, and even urban areas.

Alligators in Texas

Jsou v Texasu aligátoři?

Texas is home to the largest alligator population in the United States, with an estimated 500,000 individuals. Alligators can be found in a variety of freshwater habitats throughout the state, including swamps, marshes, řeky, and lakes. They are most common in the eastern and southeastern parts of the state, but they can also be found in central and western Texas.

Alligators in North Carolina

Jsou v Severní Karolíně aligátoři?

There are an estimated 1,000-1,500 alligators in North Carolina. Alligators are found in freshwater marshes, bažiny, and lakes along the coast of North Carolina, from Brunswick County to Gates County.