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Dieta vousatého draka

Bearded dragon vs Cucumber

Mohou vousatí draci jíst okurku?

Bearded dragons can eat cucumbers, but they are not very nutritious and should be fed in moderation. They are maostly water and low in fiber. It’s important to provide a varied diet with nutrient-rich greens and vegetables for your lizard’s health.

Bearde Dragon and Fruits

Best Fruits for Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons can eat fruit, but in moderation due to their high sugar content. Here are the best fruits for them and which ones to avoid.

Bearded Dragon not eating

Jak dlouho vydrží vousatý drak bez jídla?

Bearded dragons are hardy creatures that can go for long periods of time without eating. nicméně, the exact amount of time a bearded dragon can go without eating will vary depending on the age, health, and size of the dragon.

can bearded dragons eat apples?

Mohou vousatí draci jíst jablka?

Bearded dragons can eat apples, ale jen s mírou. Apples are a good source of hydration, vlákno, and vitamins, but they are also high in sugar. Jako pravidlo palce, ne více než 10-20% of the diet of a bearded dragon should consist of fruit.

Bearded dragon eating banana

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Bananas?

Bananas are a good source of potassium, vitamín C, and fiber for bearded dragons. nicméně, they are also high in sugar, takže by měly být krmeny pouze s mírou. A good rule of thumb is to only feed your bearded dragon a few slices of banana once or twice a week

Bearded dragon and grapes

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

Bearded dragons can eat any variety of grapes. Green, purple, Červené, Černá, pink and yellow grapes are all safe for bearded dragons, as long as the fruits are mature. Seedless varieties are however recommended.