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Tegu sundhed

Tegu sleeping

Tegu brumation: tegn, temperatur, varighed

Brumation is the reptile equivalent of hibernation, that is, that period of time during which an animal slows its own metabolism and ceases almost all activity in order to conserve energy and survive winter. I det vilde, tegus will retreat to a safe space to hide when days start to get shorter in autumn and stay there for 6-7 months until spring arrives. During this period of brumation a tegu… Læs mere »Tegu brumation: tegn, temperatur, varighed

Tegu breeding

Tegu Opdræt, Æg inkubation & Udklækning

Opdræt i tegus kræver både en voksen hun og han. Tegus når seksuel modenhed omkring alderen 2, the start of so-called “guberty” (tegu puberteten), og hunner skal gennemgå en eller to cykluser af brumation om vinteren, for at deres kroppe kan blive i stand til at rumme æg. De fleste teguarter kan yngle op til to gange om året. Tegu breeding season generally occurs right after the end of this… Læs mere »Tegu Opdræt, Æg inkubation & Udklækning

colombianske Tegu / Guldskøde

colombianske Tegu (Guldskøde): Information, Indkapslingskrav, Kost & Sundhedstips

Den colombianske tegu (tupinambis teguixin), også Gold tegu eller Golden tegu, er en art af tegu-firben, der er almindelig i dyrehandelen, selvom det ikke er så let at domistikere som de mere populære Agentine tegu og Red tegu. Denne art anses for at være noget aggressiv og ikke begyndervenlig, selvom det stadig kan tæmmes med en masse tålmodighed og ekspertise. Sammenlignet med de to andre førnævnte arter, guldet… Læs mere »colombianske Tegu (Guldskøde): Information, Indkapslingskrav, Kost & Sundhedstips

Rød tegu spiser en banan

Red Tegu Care: Information, Indkapslingskrav, Kost & Sundhed

Rød tegus er populære kæledyr på grund af deres størrelse og tamme natur, med en rødlig hud, der næsten ligner råt kød. De har lidt højere luftfugtighedskrav og er tilbøjelige til hudrelaterede sundhedsproblemer. Denne vejledning giver information om pleje af rød tegu, inklusive størrelse, levetid, kost, og indkapslingskrav.

Tegu Tail Regrowth

Tail dropping in Tegu lizards

Like most lizards, tegus can in fact drop their tails. Den gode nyhed er, they can also regenerate it. Tail dropping usually occurs as a result of injury, diseases such as tail rot, or stress. I det vilde, lizards will drop their tail when they feel threatened, this is a natural response to being in the presence of a potential predator. If a bird grabs a lizard by their tail,… Læs mere »Tail dropping in Tegu lizards

Tegu claws

Tegu klør og negleklipning

Tegus have razor sharp claws and it can make handling them a painful experience, despite their tame disposition. Unlike cats, tegus are very unlikely to scratch you on purpose (tail whipping now, that’s a different story!), but if you are keeping one around the house you’ll still want to regularly trim their nails so you don’t look like you’ve been mauled by a big feline every time it climbs over… Læs mere »Tegu klør og negleklipning

Tegu pottetræning

Tegu Poop Health & Potty Training

Caring for a tegu lizard is in many way similar to caring for a small dog. These massive reptiles like to eat a lot and because of that dealing with their toilet habits can be unpleasant as a pet owner. Many people prefer to have their tegus do their business in the bathtub where it’s easier to clean. Luckily, tegus are intelligent animals that with some effort can successfully be… Læs mere »Tegu Poop Health & Potty Training