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Darf Tegus Gurken essen??

Ja, tegus kann Gurke bedenkenlos verzehren, although these should not be fed regurarly.

This is because cucumbers are around 96% Wasser mit ein wenig Ballaststoffen, Sie sind also nicht das nahrhafteste Futter für Ihre Eidechse, aber sie sind absolut sicher zu essen.

Still, there are a lot of better options out there for your tegu and it is important to offer a varied diet that includes different types of fruits and vegetables as well as meat.

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Tegu vs Cucumber

If you are choosing to feed your tegu cucumber, do so sporadically and make sure to pick organic cucumbers that are free from pesticides and do not have a lot of seeds in them (if they do, remove the seeds before serving).

You do not need to peel cucumbers, but you may want to cut them into small pieces to riduce the risk of choking.

Fütterung Cucumbers to Tegus

Here are the steps on how to feed cucumbers to your tegu safely and effectively:

  1. Gurke gründlich waschen. Dadurch werden eventuell auf der Oberfläche vorhandene Verschmutzungen oder Pestizide entfernt. Rinse the cucumber under cold water for at least 30 Sekunden, und bei Bedarf mit einer Gemüsebürste schrubben.
  2. Die Gurke in kleine Stücke schneiden. This will make it easier for your tegu to eat and reduce the risk of choking. The size of the pieces should not exceed the width of your tegu’s head.
  3. Avoid seasoning the cucumber. Tegus do not need seasonings like salt, Pfeffer, or garlic powder, as these can potentially upset their stomach and lead to digestive issues.
  4. Offer cucumbers as an occasional treat. Cucumbers are not highly nutritious and should not constitute the primary part of your tegu’s diet. A healthy tegu diet should encompass a variety of insects, Gemüse, und Früchte.
  5. Do not offer pickles to your tegu. Gurken enthalten viel Natrium, which can be detrimental to tegus. Sodium can lead to dehydration and other health problems in these reptiles.

Bessere Alternativen

Tegus should be fed a variety of vegetables to ensure they get access to all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals they need.

If you are trying to get your tegu to eat more fruits and veggies, halten Zilla’s Reptile Munchies vegetable mix with added calcium.

Zilla Allesfresser-Mix
Zilla Allesfresser-Mix – Insekten, Obst und Gemüse + Kalzium

Zilla Gemüse- und Obstmischung

Zilla-Gemüsemischung + Kalzium

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