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Son tegus tiernos?

No se sabe que los reptiles sean particularmente cariñosos como mascotas., y lo mismo ocurre con la mayoría de las especies de lagartos grandes

Sin embargo, Tegus puede ser la excepción., ya que son ampliamente conocidos y apreciados por su comportamiento casi canino, algunos tegus incluso parecen disfrutar de "acurrucarse" con sus dueños.

El acto de abrazar
Los tegus pueden ser mascotas cariñosas en las condiciones adecuadas.

El acto de abrazar

MacGyver the Lizard es probablemente la celebridad lagarto mascota más famosa, y prueba viviente de que el tegus rojo puede ser tierno.

Las redes sociales de MacGyver se llenan de videos de este adorable animal compartiendo abrazos, besos y abrazos con sus padres humanos.

A diferencia de otros reptiles mascotas que simplemente ven a sus dueños como una fuente de alimento, este lagarto gigante realmente parece disfrutar de la compañía humana y busca atención activamente.

El lagarto más tierno del mundo. Fuente: MacGyver el lagarto

Winston, el tegu blanco y negro argentino, es otro gran ejemplo de cuán cariñosos pueden ser estos animales en las condiciones adecuadas..

Winston fue encontrado en una caja frente a un zoológico en Michigan luego de ser abandonado por un propietario anterior que no sabía cómo atender adecuadamente sus necesidades..

Fue rescatado por los cuidadores del zoológico que lo cuidaron durante cinco años., y finalmente adoptado por una nueva familia amorosa en 2015.

Desde entonces, él tiene sido mimado con la mejor comida, abrazados a diario, e incluso camina con correa.

Tegu tierno. Fuente: Winston El Tegu Argentino

Tegus are not the only reptiles that can be affectionate. Other species, such as tortoises, serpientes, and even alligators, have been known to show signs of affection towards their owners.

Sin embargo, tegus are one of the most popular choices for people who are looking for a cuddly reptile pet. This is because they are relatively easy to care for, they are relatively large and docile, and they have a long lifespan.

If you are considering adopting a tegu, there are a few species that are known for being more cuddly than others.

These include the Argentine tegu (aka Black and White tegu) and the Red tegu. These species are relatively docile and can be very affectionate with their owners.

los acto de oro (aka Colombian tegu) is considered less docile compared to Argentine and red tegus, although this may be due to the fact that most gold tegus in the pet trade are wild caught. If you are looking for a cuddly tegu, make sure to choose a captive-bred specimen, regardless of color.

Leer también: ¿Los lagartos tienen sentimientos??

Tegu Affection FAQs

Son tegus tiernos?

Some tegus can be quite affectionate and enjoy being held. Sin embargo, it is important to note that all tegus are individuals, and some may be more affectionate than others.

It is also important to respect the tegu’s boundaries and never force it to cuddle if it does not want to. It can take a very long time for a tegu to start acting affectionate towards their owners, and some may never display such behavior.

Do tegus love their owners?

Whether or not tegus love their owners is a matter of debate. Some people believe that tegus are capable of feeling love, while others believe that they are simply affectionate animals that enjoy human contact. There is no scientific evidence to prove or disprove either claim.

Sin embargo, there are many anecdotal stories of tegus who seem to form strong bonds with their owners. These stories often involve tegus who seek out their owners for attention, follow them around the house, and even seem to be happy to see them.

Are tegus like dogs?

Tegus are not like dogs in the sense that they are not domesticated animals. Sin embargo, some tegus can be quite affectionate and enjoy interacting with their owners.

They can learn to recognize their owners and come when called. Tegus are also very intelligent animals and can be trained to do tricks. But in terms of affection, their behavior is more similar to that of cats than dogs.

Do tegus like to be held?

Some tegus do enjoy being held, while others do not. It is important to start by gently petting your tegu and see how it reacts. If the tegu seems to enjoy being petted, you can try holding it for short periods of time.

If the tegu seems to be uncomfortable, it is best to respect its boundaries and not force it to be held. Keep in mind that it can take a long time for a tegu to start trusting you, especially if they are young or just been re-homed, as they will initially see you as a potential predator.

What are the most affectionate species of tegu lizards?

The most affectionate species of tegu lizards are the Argentine tegu and the red tegu. These species are relatively docile and can be very affectionate with their owners.

El tegu colombiano (acto de oro) can be just as affectionate, but it is generally considered harder to tame and handle than the Argentine tegu and Red tegu which is more commonly found in captivity.

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