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Hogar » Algunas especies de lagartos Tegu y Monitor ya no se permiten como mascotas en Georgia

Algunas especies de lagartos Tegu y Monitor ya no se permiten como mascotas en Georgia

El martes 22 de octubre, la Junta del Departamento de Recursos Naturales de Georgia votó para restringir la propiedad futura de reptiles exóticos en respuesta al creciente número de especies invasoras que amenazan el ecosistema nativo..

La prohibición se hizo específicamente para abordar el problema de dos especies invasoras de reptiles., Burmese pythons and Argentine Black and White tegu lizards, who are imported from South America and are often released or escape into the wild, where they feed on the eggs of local species of birds and reptiles, threatening 42% of the local wildlife. Burmese snakes can also carry parasitic lungworms and spread harmful diseases.

Other species affected by the ban are Nile monitor lizards, African helmeted turtles and Chinese softshell turtles. Current owners can keep their pets as long as they are registered with the authorities. The transferring, sale and transportation of these animal is also allowed during a 12-month transiction period, but no importation or breeding will be allowed starting from next month.

Can you own a tegu in Georgia?

As of October 2022, the state of Georgia has put a restriction on the ownership of Argentine black and white tegus (el salvador de maria) as pets. This is the most common species of pet tegu and include popular color morphs, es decir. la tegu azul y tegu chacoano.

Two other species of tegus that can be found in the pet trade, la acto rojo (salvador sonrojado) y Colombian or golden tegu (tupinambis teguixín) are currently not affected by the ban.

Leer también: Legality of Tegu Ownership in the US

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