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Kodu » Gold Tegu

Gold Tegu

Tegu Lizard Care

Colombian Tegus / Gold Tegus for Sale

  • Tegu

The Gold Tegu, also known as the Golden Tegu or Colombian Tegu (Tupinambis teguixin), is a species of tegu lizard native to South America. They are known for their distinctive golden color and are highly sought after in the pet trade. Gold Tegus are available for sale through our affiliate partner CBReptile.com Golden tegus are different from Argentine Black & White tegus (Meriani päästja) and from Red tegus (Tupinambis rufescens).… Loe rohkem »Colombian Tegus / Gold Tegus for Sale

Kolumbia Tegu / Gold Tegu

Kolumbia Tegu (Gold Tegu): Teave, Korpuse nõuded, Dieet & Tervise näpunäited

  • Tegu

Kolumbia tegu (tupinambis teguixin), also Gold tegu or Golden tegu, is a species of tegu lizard common in the pet trade, although it is not as easy to domisticate as the more popular Agentine tegu and Red tegu. This species is considered somewhat aggressive and not beginner-friendly, although it can still be tamed with a lot of patience and expertise. Compared to the other two aforementioned species, the gold… Loe rohkem »Kolumbia Tegu (Gold Tegu): Teave, Korpuse nõuded, Dieet & Tervise näpunäited

Juvenile Argentine black and white tegu

Baby tegu care: Teave, Korpus & Diet Requirements

  • Tegu

Thinking of adopting a baby tegu? These lizards grow rather quickly and dramatically, with an adult male Argentine tegu reaching the size of a small dog (ümber 5 jalad). In the first two years of their life, however, juvenile tegus are tiny and vulnerable, and they require additional care in order to stay healthy and thrive. If you have just adopted a tegu hatchling you are going to need to… Loe rohkem »Baby tegu care: Teave, Korpus & Diet Requirements

Colombian tegu vs Red tegu vs Argentine tegu

Sõbralik tegu liik & morfid algajatele

  • Tegu

Tegu sisalikud on kurikuulsalt kuulekad ja mõnevõrra algajasõbralikud roomajad, keda lemmikloomana pidada (vähemalt võrreldes teiste suurte sisalikega nagu monitorid). Siiski on mõned erinevad liigid ja morfid, mis võivad nõuda rohkem aega ja tähelepanu. Rusikareegel, salvator merianae (a.k.a. Argentine tegu) on parim valik esimeste taimerite jaoks ja ka kõige levinum kombinesoon. Kolumbia tegu (või Kuld tegu) peal… Loe rohkem »Sõbralik tegu liik & morfid algajatele

Tegu Care Sheet

Tegu Lizard Care – Teave, Korpus, Dieet & Tervis

  • Tegu

Tegus are large, intelligent lizards that have gained popularity as exotic pets in recent years. Native to South America, these reptiles are known for their docile personalities, impressive size, and striking appearance. Kuid, owning a tegu requires a significant commitment of time, space, and resources.