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Gecko species that look like dragons

5 Geckos Species That Look Like Dragons

Discover geckos resembling dragons with unique features like horn-like projections and dragon-like scales. Explore these mythical reptiles in their natural habitats.

Põhja-Kaimani sisalik (Dracaena guianensis) Sheddi akvaariumis, Chicago, IL

5 Lemmiksisalikud, kes näevad välja nagu minialligaatorid

  • Sisalikud

Seal on mitut liiki sisalikke, kellel on mõningane sarnasus alligaatoritega, nagu karedad kaalud, pikad sabad, ja võimsad lõuad. Kuid, nad on palju väiksemad, kuulekam, ja kergemini hooldatavad kui nende krokodillidest nõod. Siin on viis lemmiklooma sisalikku, kes näevad välja nagu minialligaatorid.

Lizards and grapes

Can Lizards Eat Grapes?

Most species of herbivorous and omnivorous lizards can eat grapes, but only in moderation. Grapes are high in oxalates, which can bind to calcium and prevent its absorption. This can lead to health problems such as kidney stones and bone loss. Grapes are also high in sugar, which can contribute to obesity if fed too often. If you choose to feed grapes to your lizard, be sure to remove the… Loe rohkem »Can Lizards Eat Grapes?

lähivõte sisalikust

Draakoni sisalikud: Kõik, mida pead teadma

Draakoni sisalikud, tuntud ka kui agamiidid, are a diverse group of reptiles that range in size from small geckos to the giant Komodo dragon.
They are known for their scaly bodies, well-developed limbs, and long tails, and their ability to change color to camouflage themselves from predators

Tegu Potikoolitus

Sisalik kaka: Kõik, mida pead teadma (Koos fotodega)

Lizard poop is small, dark brown or black pellets with a white tip. It is the lizard’s urine and feces combined. It can contain harmful bacteria, so it is important to wash your hands after handling it. To clean lizard poop, wear gloves and pick it up with paper towels. Dispose of the droppings in a sealed bag and clean the area with a disinfectant cleaner.

Largest Pet Lizards

The Largest Species of Lizards You Can Keep as Pets

Lizards are popular pets for many people, and there are many different species to choose from, from common house geckos to bearded dragons, which can make for exotic yet trusty companions. But while most species of reptiles are rather small in size, there are lizards out there as big as cats and dogs – or even bigger. And yes, some of them you can own. The largest species of lizard… Loe rohkem »The Largest Species of Lizards You Can Keep as Pets

Lizards and chocolate

Can lizards eat chocolate?

Lizards such as iguanas and bearded dragons can eat human food, but not chocolate. Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical that is toxic to animals, especially those with slow metabolisms like reptiles. Although some lizards may enjoy chocolate, it is not worth the risk as it can lead to health complications and even death.

Wall Lizard Hatchling. T

Reptile imprinting: is it possible?

  • Tegu

In animal behavior, imprinting is a form of learning that allows hatchlings and newborns to recognize themselves as members of a given species by observing their parents during the critical first days of life. Imprinting mostly occurs in bird species and a few mammals, but there’s no such a thing as imprinting for reptiles and lizards. Some species of reptile, particularly lizards and turtles, may grow to bond with their… Loe rohkem »Reptile imprinting: is it possible?

Are tegus dangerous?

Are tegu lizards dangerous?

  • Tegu

Tegus are some of the largest lizards out there, yet they are relatively harmless to humans. Tegu attacks are rare but getting bitten by a tegu can be a very painful experience that requires medical attention. Regardless, tegus that are raised in captivity develop a tame disposition and rarely show signs of aggression. Despite being harmless to humans, wild tegu lizards pose a threat to other species especially in the… Loe rohkem »Are tegu lizards dangerous?