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Meilleurs fruits pour le dragon barbu

Les dragons barbus sont omnivores, and fruits are a part of their natural diet.

Cependant, it is important to feed fruit to bearded dragons in moderation, as it is high in sugar and can lead to health problems such as obesity, diabète, and vitamin A toxicity.

En règle générale, pas plus que 10-20% of a bearded dragon’s diet should consist of fruit.

Juvenile bearded dragons should consume even less, as their diet as they grow requires mainly protein in the form of insects (voir: best insects for bearded dragons).

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Dragon barbu et fruits
Berries and exotic fruits are amongst the healthiest foods for bearded dragons.

Fruit should be offered to adult bearded dragons as a treat, not as a staple food. The majority of their diet should consist of leafy greens and vegetables.

When feeding fruit to bearded dragons, it is important to cut it into small pieces so that they can easily eat it. You should also remove the seeds, car ils peuvent présenter un risque d'étouffement.

Nearly all types of fruit can be safely fed to bearded dragons in moderation, but it is better to avoid feeding bearded dragons citrus fruits, such as lemons and limes, as they can be too acidic for their stomachs.

You should also avoid feeding them avocado, as it is toxic to reptiles.

Berries and exotic fruits like mango and papaya are especially great for bearded dragons, as they have lower sugar amounts than other fruits.

Pommes, les raisins, et bananes can also be fed in moderation.

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Fruits for Bearded Dragon

Nourrir régulièrement

  • Mûres
  • Myrtilles
  • Cantaloup
  • marié
  • Cerises
  • Rendez-vous
  • Figues
  • Raisins
  • Goyave
  • Miellat
  • kiwi
  • Mangue
  • Papaye
  • Ananas
  • Figue de Barbarie
  • Framboises
  • Pastèque

Nourrir avec modération

  • Pommes
  • Bananes
  • Clémentines
  • Fruit du dragon / Pitaya
  • Des oranges
  • Les pêches
  • Des poires
  • Fraises

Mieux vaut éviter

  • Cèdre
  • Pamplemousse
  • Citrons
  • Citrons verts
  • Prunes
  • Persimmon

Ne jamais nourrir

  • Avocat

What is the best fruit for bearded dragons?

Berries are a fantastic choice for bearded dragons because they are packed with essential nutrients and have relatively low sugar content.

Exotic fruits like mango and papaya are also excellent options due to their nutritional value. These fruits not only provide vitamins but also help keep your pet hydrated.

It’s important to note that while apples, des poires, and bananas can be included in their diet, they should be fed in moderation to avoid excessive sugar intake.

How much fruit should I feed my bearded dragon?

The ideal percentage of fruit in a bearded dragon’s diet falls within the range of 10-20%.

To put it simply, for every 100 grams of food that your bearded dragon consumes, 10-20 grams should consist of fruit.

This balanced approach ensures they receive the necessary vitamins and minerals without overloading on sugars.

Remember that moderation is key when it comes to offering fruit as part of their diet.

What fruits should bearded dragons not eat?

There are certain fruits that should be avoided in a bearded dragon’s diet.

Avocado is a strict no-go, as it contains compounds that can be toxic to them.

Les agrumes, such as lemons, citrons verts, and grapefruits, should also be kept off the menu due to their high oxalate content, ce qui peut interférer avec l’absorption du calcium.

Another fruit to steer clear of is persimmons, as they can lead to calcium-related health issues if consumed regularly.

Can bearded dragons eat berries?

Absolutely, bearded dragons can enjoy a variety of berries in their diet.

Fraises, framboises, myrtilles, mûres, and mulberries are all fantastic choices. These berries not only offer a burst of flavor but also provide valuable vitamins and antioxidants.

Remember to offer them in appropriate portions as part of a well-rounded diet to keep your pet healthy and happy.

Can bearded dragons eat melons?

Oui, bearded dragons can savor the goodness of various melons.

Options like cantaloupe, miellat, pastèque, and muskmelon are all suitable for your pet.

These melons contain essential vitamins and hydration properties that can benefit your bearded dragon.

Cependant, as with any fruit, it’s essential to provide melons in moderation to prevent excessive sugar intake and maintain a balanced diet.

Can bearded dragons eat plums?

Indeed, bearded dragons can include plums in their diet, but it’s essential to exercise caution.

Plums are relatively high in sugar content, so they should be considered as an occasional treat rather than a staple. Ensure that you offer plums in small, controlled portions to avoid potential issues related to excess sugar consumption.

Can bearded dragons eat citrus fruits?

While oranges can be included in a bearded dragon’s diet in moderation, other citrus fruits like lemons, citrons verts, and grapefruits should be avoided.

Citrus fruits contain high levels of oxalates, which can hinder calcium absorption and potentially lead to health problems in your pet.

As always, it’s essential to maintain a balanced and varied diet to meet your bearded dragon’s nutritional needs.

Can bearded dragons eat peaches?

Oui, bearded dragons can indulge in the occasional peach as part of their diet.

Cependant, peaches are relatively high in sugar, so it’s crucial to offer them in moderation. A balanced diet that includes a variety of foods ensures that your pet receives the necessary nutrients without overloading on sugars from fruits like peaches.

Can bearded dragons eat papaya?

Indeed, bearded dragons can enjoy the nutritional benefits of papaya.

Papaya is a good source of essential vitamins, particularly vitamin A and C. En outre, it’s relatively low in sugar compared to some other fruits.

Including papaya in your bearded dragon’s diet can provide a tasty and nutritious treat while helping to meet their dietary requirements for essential nutrients.

Can bearded dragons eat mango?

Oui, bearded dragons can incorporate mango into their diet.

Mango is a fruit rich in vitamins A and C, making it a valuable addition to their nutrition.

En outre, mango is relatively low in oxalates, which can be beneficial for maintaining calcium balance.

As with all treats, it’s important to offer mango in moderation to ensure a well-rounded diet for your bearded dragon.

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