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בית » Can Tegus eat Broccoli?

Can Tegus eat Broccoli?

טגוס יכול לאכול כמות קטנה של ברוקולי ללא השלכות בריאותיות, אבל הם לא צריכים להיות יציבים בתזונה שלהם.

מומלץ לעשות להאכיל רק ברוקולי לטגוס באופן ספורדי.

מבחינת תזונה, broccoli is healthy, but it contains substances such as oxalic acid, which may become harmful to reptiles in larger quantities.

טגו וברוקולי
טגו נגד ברוקולי

דברים שיש לקחת בחשבון

Broccoli is a nutrient-dense vegetable that can offer several health benefits for your tegu.

It is packed with essential vitamins such as A, ג, וק, all of which contribute to maintaining your tegu’s overall health.

בנוסף, broccoli is a good source of minerals like calcium, phosphorus, ואשלגן.

לצערי, it also contains oxalic acid, which can pose potential risks for tegus.

Oxalic acid has the ability to bind with calcium and prevent its absorption into the bloodstream.

An excess of oxalic acid in your tegu’s diet can lead to metabolic bone disease, a serious and life-threatening health condition.

Here are some tips for feeding broccoli to tegus:

  • Cut the broccoli into small, חתיכות בגודל ביס.
  • Steam or blanch the broccoli before feeding it to your tegu. This will make it easier for them to digest.
  • Offer broccoli to your tegu as part of a varied diet that includes other vegetables, פירות, and protein sources.
  • Avoid feeding broccoli to your tegu too often, as the high oxalate content can lead to health problems over time.

אלטרנטיבות טובות יותר

While broccoli is a good source of vitamins and minerals for tegus, there are some better alternatives that you can offer them.

These alternatives are lower in oxalates and other compounds that can be harmful to tegus in large amounts.

אספרגוס, כרוב, כרישה, וירוקים כגון עולש, ו גזרים make for good alternatives to broccoli which can be fed to tegus regularly.

Dark-leafy green are especially suited for a tegu lizard’s diet and they can be fed as stapes. These include collard greens, ירקות חרדל, turnip greens, ירוקי שן הארי, ו קייל.

בנוסף, spinach should be avoided due to its high oxalate content, which can lead to health problems in your tegu over time.

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