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Bradati zmaj

Bearded dragon care guide and information: zahtjevi za kućište, dijeta i hranjenje, zdravlje i više. How to keep and care for beardies as a pet.

retes stog sa kamenjem za bradatog zmaja

Kako izgraditi Retes stack za bradate zmajeve

Retes hrpe su popularan izbor za vlasnike bradatih zmajeva jer su sigurne, djelotvoran, i izdržljiva. Sastoje se od niza kamenja ili pločica od škriljevca koje su naslagane jedna na drugu, s toplinskim svjetiljkama postavljenim između.

Gušter bradati zmaj s cvijećem

Koje cvijeće mogu jesti bradati zmajevi?

Bradati zmajevi su svejedi, što znači da jedu i biljke i životinje. Cvijeće može biti dobar izvor vitamina i minerala za bradate zmajeve, i mogu unijeti malo raznolikosti u svoju prehranu.

Bearded Dragon and Spinach

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Spinach?

Bearded dragons can eat spinach in small amounts, but it is best to avoid it altogether due to its high levels of oxalates, nitrates, and potassium.

Fluker's Reptile Food for Bearded Dragons

Flukerova hrana za bradatog zmaja: Sveobuhvatni vodič

Fluker’s offers a wide range of bearded dragon food products, specifically designed for their unique dietary needs. Their products are nutritionally balanced, easy to digest, and affordable. Fluker’s is a trusted brand among reptile enthusiasts, and their products are a great option to consider for your bearded dragon.

Bearded Dragon and Chocolate

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Chocolate?

Chocolate is toxic to bearded dragons because they are particularly sensitive to theobromine, a compound found in chocolate. Theobromine can cause a number of health problems in reptiles, including seizures and death.

Bearded Dragon and Brussel Sprouts

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Brussel Sprouts?

Brussel sprouts are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium for bearded dragons. Međutim, they should be fed in moderation, as they are members of the cabbage family, which contains compounds that can interfere with calcium absorption. A good rule of thumb is to offer no more than 5% of your bearded dragon’s diet in cabbage family vegetables.

Pogona barbata (Cuvier, 1829), Bradati zmaj

Koliko narastu bradati zmajevi?

Bearded dragons can grow to be between 16 i 24 inches long and weigh between 400 i 550 grams as adults. Males are typically larger than females. Factors that can affect size include genetics, diet, rasvjeta, and health.

Bearded Dragon and Bread

Mogu li bradati zmajevi jesti kruh?

Bread is high in carbohydrates and low in nutrients, and it can cause a variety of health problems in bearded dragons, including digestive problems, nutritional deficiencies, and obesity.