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Dom » Mogu li skinki s plavim jezikom jesti bobice?

Mogu li skinki s plavim jezikom jesti bobice?

Skinkovi s plavim jezikom vole voće i bobice i savršeno je sigurno hraniti borovnice, kupina, jagoda, raspberry and wild berries to your pet skink.

Bobičasto voće općenito ima iznenađujuće nizak sadržaj šećera pa se ne morate brinuti o redovitom hranjenju (za razliku od ostalih vrsta voća), premda biste trebali opustiti maline i jagode u umjerenim količinama zbog nekih njihovih hranjivih tvari.

Blue tongue skink with raspberries, borovnice, blackberries and strawberries
Blue tongue skink vs all the berries

What berries can you feed to your skink


Blue tongue skinks can eat strawberries in moderation. Strawberries are healthy and nutritious – but they contain potentially harmful amounts of oxalates and goitrogens so they should not be a staple in your skink’s diet. A cup of strawberries contains almost 8 miligrama oksalata.


Raspberries are surprisingly high in oxalates, with a whopping 48mg per cup. They are however a small fruit so it’s generally okay to feed them to blue tongue skinks as a treat, but they should not be a staple in your pet’s diet.


Blueberries are a healthy fruit option for your blue-tongued skink, plus they match the color of its tongue (cute). They only contain about 4 milligrams of oxalates per cup so they can be fed more regularly compared to strawberries.


Blackberries also contain only 4 milligrams of oxalates per cup which makes them another healthy food choice for blue tongue skinks.

Reptilink opcije za Skinkove s plavim jezikom

The 25/25/50 Mješavina Omnivore + Insects reptilinks posebno su formulirani za odrasle i mlađe odrasle kože s plavim jezikom koje sadrže 50% biljna materija (bez voća), 25% insekti, i 25% mršavi kunić.

Sastojci: Insekti (sikćući žohari, cvrčci, supercrvi), Zec (Ohio je uzgajao novozelandsku bijelu ili kalifornijsku bijelu pasminu, uključuje cijeli trup) organski zeleni grah, kragna, zelje maslačka, endivija, 100% prirodno kolagensko kućište.

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