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Dom » Mogu li splavi s plavim jezikom jesti krastavce?

Mogu li splavi s plavim jezikom jesti krastavce?

Tehnički, skinks s plavim jezikom mogu jesti krastavce bez ikakvih problema. Međutim, vrlo je malo razloga zbog kojih biste svog ljubimca uopće htjeli hraniti krastavcima: oni nutritivno su vrlo loše, budući da uglavnom sadrže vodu i malo više.

Skink s plavim jezikom s krastavcem
Skink s plavim jezikom protiv krastavca

Krastavci se tada smatraju osvježavajućom poslasticom koja može pomoći vašoj kožici s plavim jezikom da ostane hidratizirana, ali ne bi trebali biti glavna namirnica u njihovoj prehrani, budući da postoje mnoge mnogo hranjivije i zdravije opcije.

Feeding Cucumber to Blue-tongued Skinkssk

  • Wash the cucumber thoroughly. This will remove any dirt or pesticides that may be present on the surface. Be sure to rinse the cucumber under cold water for at least 30 seconds, and scrub it with a vegetable brush if necessary.
  • Cut the cucumber into small pieces. This will make it easier for your skink to eat and will help to prevent choking. The pieces should be no larger than the width of your skink’s head.
  • Do not season the cucumber. Blue tongued skinks do not need seasoning, and it can be harmful to their health. Seasonings like salt, pepper, and garlic powder can upset your skink’s stomach and cause diarrhea.
  • Feed cucumbers as an occasional treat. Cucumbers are not very nutritious, so they should not be the main part of your skink’s diet. A healthy diet for a blue tongued skink consists of a variety of insects, povrće, i voće.
  • Avoid feeding pickles to your skink. Pickles are high in sodium, which can be harmful to blue tongued skinks. Sodium can cause dehydration and other health problems in skinks.

Reptilink opcije za Skinkove s plavim jezikom

The 25/25/50 Mješavina Omnivore + Insects reptilinks posebno su formulirani za odrasle i mlađe odrasle kože s plavim jezikom koje sadrže 50% biljna materija (bez voća), 25% insekti, i 25% mršavi kunić.

Sastojci: Insekti (sikćući žohari, cvrčci, supercrvi), Zec (Ohio je uzgajao novozelandsku bijelu ili kalifornijsku bijelu pasminu, uključuje cijeli trup) organski zeleni grah, kragna, zelje maslačka, endivija, 100% prirodno kolagensko kućište.

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