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How To Feed Chicken & Turkey to Tegu Lizards

Tegus can eat raw poultry including chicken, purica, quail and so on.

Zapravo, ovo su neki od najzdravijih proteina kojima možete hraniti svog tegua jer su hranjivi i imaju malo masti, i closely resemble what an adult tegu would eat in the wild.

While it is okay to feed cooked meat occasionally, the process of cooking denatures the quality of proteins and nutrients available to your tegu lizard.

The stomach of a reptile is built to digest raw meat, tako it is best to feed chicken raw.

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Tegu i piletina
Tegu protiv piletine

You can feed your Tegu lizard any parts of a chicken or turkey as long as it’s not processed, seasoned or cured.

Ako kupite cijelo pile, svom ljubimcu možete dati srce, jetra, i želudac koji je pun hranjivih tvari.

Možete čak i hraniti trup sve dok ga narežete prema veličini vašeg tegua (neće imati problema s pucanjem kostiju, ali se mogu ozlijediti pokušavajući odjednom progutati veliku pticu).

Pileći vratovi, mogu se hraniti i krila i stopala, kao i cijeli mali pilići ili ptice prepelice.

Zapravo, feeding whole prey ensures your tegu gets access to all the meat, bone, connective issues and organs which are filled with all the nutrients it needs.

If you are squeamish about feeding whole animals to your lizard, consider gmazovske veze, a type of commercially prepared sausage link that contains whole prey as well as eggs, voće i povrće, making for a complete meal for your tegu.

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Ground chicken and turkey are a valid option for tegus and many caretakers prefer to feed these regularly.

Hranjenje mljevenim mesom ima prednost jer vam omogućuje miješanje povrća i dodataka u zdjelici vašeg ljubimca kako biste stvorili zdrav obrok, and also makes meal prepping easier.

Ground lean turkey dusted with calcium powder and mixed with different kinds of vegetables and fruits is one of the healthiest meals that should appear in every tegu’s diet.

Experts recommend providing a calcium supplement (bez fosfora i vitamina D3) twice a week and a reptile multivitamin once a week.

Argentine tegu with raw ground chicken
Raw chicken or turkey meat is a healthy source of lean protein for Tegus of all ages.

Tegus and Salmonella

You should not worry about your Tegu contracting salmonella from eating raw chicken.

Truth is, većina gmazova već nosi salmonelu u svom tijelu, i od toga ne obolijevaju.

When handling raw chicken or turkey, you should make sure that you wash your hands carefully after feeding and handling your reptile, koji vam neizravno može prenijeti salmonelu iz svojih usta ili izmeta.

Can Tegus eat raw chicken?

Da, i Tegus can eat all sort of poultry including chicken. Sirovo meso je bolje nego kuhano jer su hranjive tvari lakše dostupne vašem teguu.

Zapravo, proces kuhanja denaturira proteine, tako najbolje je tegus piletinu hraniti sirovom.

Može li tegu jesti mljevenu piletinu / purica?

Da. Možeš pomiješajte sirovo mljeveno meso u pljeskavicu zajedno s malo povrća i pospite ga kalcijem u prahu kako biste napravili zdrav obrok.

Mljeveno pileće, a posebno pureće meso jedan je od najsitnijih proteina i najzdravijih opcija kojima možete redovito hraniti tegua.

Može li tegu jesti pileće želudce, srca i jetra?

Da, svom teguu možeš dati sve dijelove ptice, uključujući srce, želudac i jetra.

Njihovo hranjenje se zapravo preporučuje jer su vrlo hranjivi i važan izvor vitamina i minerala.

Može li tegu jesti pileće kosti, vratove i stopala?

Da, all parts of the bird can be fed to your lizard. Tegus have strong jaws and sharp teeth which allow them to break through bone and munch on pretty much anything.

Pileći trup treba hraniti nekuhanim i izrezati na odgovarajuće veličine kako biste izbjegli ozljede, ali inače je vrlo zdrav izvor kalcija. Isto vrijedi i za pileće vratove i noge.

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