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itthon » Hogyan válasszuk ki a legjobb burkolatot a Savannah monitorhoz: Méret és egyéb követelmények

Hogyan válasszuk ki a legjobb burkolatot a Savannah monitorhoz: Méret és egyéb követelmények

A Savannah monitorok nagyok, intelligent lizards, and they need plenty of space to roam and explore.

Adult savannah monitors typically range in size from 2.5 nak nek 3.5 lábát (0.8 nak nek 1.3 méter) in total length, with some specimens reaching up to 5 lábát (1.5 méter).

These lizards have a thick, bulky build, making them appear larger than they actually are. Females are generally smaller than males.

An ideal enclosure for an adult savannah monitor should be at least 6 láb hosszú, 4 láb széles, és 3 láb magas.

This is a minimális space requirement, ideally, you should provide them with a larger enclosure if possible, 8 feet long by 4 feet wide by 4 feet tall is the general recommendation for adults.

The enclosure should be made of a sturdy material, such as wood or fiberglass, and have a secure lid to prevent the lizard from escaping.

The enclosure should also be well-ventilated and have a variety of hiding places and basking spots.

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Savannah monitorház / Terrárium
Savannah Monitor Terrarium
Alapvető 8 Láb PVC & Aluminum Enclosure - 96 L x 48 W x 48 H
Alapvető 8 Láb PVC & Alumínium ház - 96 L x 48 W x 48 H
Alapvető 8 Láb PVC & Aluminum Enclosure - 96 L x 48 W x 72 H
Alapvető 8 Láb PVC & Alumínium ház - 96 L x 48 W x 72 H
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Alapvető 8 Láb PVC & Alumínium ház - 96 L x 48 W x 48 H

The Essential 8 Láb PVC & Aluminum Enclosure from Maximum Reptile is a spacious and durable enclosure that is perfect for a variety of medium to larger sized reptiles including most types of monitor lizards.

Made with high-quality materials, this enclosure is easy to clean and maintain, and features sliding front doors for easy access.

With its attractive design and superior construction, the Essential 8 Láb PVC & Aluminum Enclosure is the perfect home for a monitor lizard.

Alapvető 8 Láb PVC & Aluminum Enclosure - 96 L x 48 W x 48 H

Alapvető 8 Láb PVC & Alumínium ház - 96 L x 48 W x 72 H

The Essential 8 Láb PVC & Aluminum Enclosure is the ideal home for larger sized lizards.

This spacious enclosure is made with high-quality PVC and anodized aluminum, making it durable, easy to clean, and water resistant.

The enclosure features sliding front doors for easy access and a customizable top that allows you to create the perfect environment for your pet.

Alapvető 8 Láb PVC & Aluminum Enclosure - 96 L x 48 W x 72 H

A monitor gyíkok nagyok, active reptiles that require a spacious enclosure.

The minimum enclosure size for an adult monitor lizard will vary depending on the species, but a general rule of thumb is to provide an enclosure that is at least twice the length of the lizard.

A legtöbb esetben, this means an 8 feet enclosure is needed, as most species of monitor lizards will grow to be around 4 láb méretű.

Savannah Monitors and Nile Monitors can grow even larger than this, so it’s important to provide them with as much room as possible.

Other species like Ackie monitors can be kept in smaller 6 feet enclosures.

FajAdult LengthMinimum Enclosure Size (L x W x H)Recommended Enclosure Size (L x W x H)
Ackie monitor2-3 lábát4x2x4 feet6x3x3
Savannah Monitor2.5-5 lábát6x3x3 feet8x4x4
Nílus Monitor4-7 lábát10x5x512x6x9
Black-throated, White-throated, Peach-throated monitors3-4 lábát6x3x38x4x4
Savannah Monitor házi kedvencként
Savannah Monitor


Savannah monitors love to dig, so it is important to provide them with a substrate that is deep and loose enough for them to do so. A good substrate for savannah monitors is coconut fiber.

Coconut fiber is a natural substrate that is good at holding humidity and is easy to clean. It is also relatively inexpensive and widely available.

Another good option for savannah monitors is shredded aspen bedding. Aspen bedding is also a natural substrate that is good at holding humidity and is easy to clean. azonban, it is not as deep as coconut fiber and may not be as good for digging.

It is important to note that sand is not a good substrate for savannah monitors. Sand can be ingested and cause impactions, which can be deadly.

The substrate in a savannah monitor enclosure should be at least 1-2 feet deep. This will give the lizard plenty of room to dig and create burrows.

It is also important to provide the lizard with hiding places, such as logs and rocks, to bury itself in.

Lighting and Temperatures

Savannah monitors are ectotherms, which means they rely on external heat sources to regulate their body temperature.

Ezért, it is important to provide a temperature gradient in their enclosure, with a basking spot of around 130 degrees Fahrenheit and a cooler area of around 75-82 Fahrenheit fok.

The temperature at night can drop to as low as 72 Fahrenheit fok.

A basking bulb and/or a heat pad can be used to increase the temperature in the enclosure. If you use a basking bulb, it is important to choose one that produces UVB rays as well.

This is because UVB rays are essential for vitamin D3 synthesis, which is necessary for calcium absorption. Some good options for UVB bulbs include the Exo Terra Solar Glo bulb, és a ZooMed Powersun bulb.

A Retes stack is also a good option to allow your monitor to access different temperature ranges within the enclosure so that they can choose the ideal spot for basking.


Savannah monitors need a humid environment, with humidity levels of around 50-60%.

This can be achieved by misting the enclosure regularly or by providing a “humid hide”. A humid hide is a hide with some wet moss or jungle mix inside.

Regurarly mist the walls of your enclosure and make sure to provide access to a bowl of fresh water every day.


Savannah monitors are intelligent and active lizards, and they need plenty of enrichment to keep them occupied.

Enrichment can be provided in the form of food puzzles, hiding places, and climbing structures.

Here are some ideas for enriching your savannah monitor’s enclosure:

  • Provide a variety of hiding places, such as boxes, caves, and logs. Savannah monitors need places to hide and feel secure.
  • Add climbing structures, such as branches, sziklák, and vines. Savannah monitors are arboreal lizards, and they enjoy climbing and exploring.
  • Provide food puzzles. Food puzzles are a great way to challenge your savannah monitor and keep it entertained. There are many different types of food puzzles available, so you can find one that is appropriate for your lizard’s age and size.

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