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Bisakah Uromastyx makan Bayam??

Spinach is one of the few foods that should be avoided in a uromastyx’s diet. Kadal Uromastyx secara teknis bisa memakan bayam, tetapi dalam jumlah besar ini bisa berbahaya, jadi yang terbaik adalah menjaga konsumsi seminimal mungkin atau menghindarinya sama sekali.

Uromastyx and Spinach
Uromastyx vs Spinach

Meskipun merupakan sayuran berdaun gelap yang kaya nutrisi, Bayam memiliki kandungan oksalat yang sangat tinggi, yang mengikat kalsium dan mencegah penyerapan yang tepat. Calcium deficiency can lead to a range of diseases, from tail rot to metabolic bone disease, potentially lethal to reptiles.

Satu cangkir bayam mentah bisa mengandung 700-800 miligram oksalat, an amount too high for safe consumption by reptiles.

Hal-hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan

  • Spinach contains huge amounts of oxalates, a compound that can impede calcium absorption. Regular consumption of spinach can lead your uromastyx lizard to experience calcium deficiency or, at worst, penyakit tulang metabolik, potentially lethal to reptiles.
  • A better alternative? Kale should be the ideal dark leafy food for uramastyx lizards. One cup of raw kale contains less than 20 mg of oxalates, so it can be fed much more regularly than spinach without problems.

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