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tampilan dekat kadal berjumbai

Kadal Naga: Segala sesuatu yang perlu Anda ketahui

Kadal naga, juga dikenal sebagai agamid, are a diverse group of reptiles that range in size from small geckos to the giant Komodo dragon.
They are known for their scaly bodies, well-developed limbs, and long tails, and their ability to change color to camouflage themselves from predators

Bearded dragon vs Cucumber

Bisakah Naga Berjenggot Makan Mentimun?

Bearded dragons can eat cucumbers, tetapi mereka tidak terlalu bergizi dan harus diberi makan secukupnya. They are maostly water and low in fiber. It’s important to provide a varied diet with nutrient-rich greens and vegetables for your lizard’s health.