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Lakukan pendakian tegus?

Perilaku memanjat Tegu berubah drastis seiring bertambahnya usia. Semua tegus umumnya terlahir arboreal (yaitu. mereka memanjat dan hidup di pohon untuk menghindari pemangsa) tapi pindah ke tanah saat mereka tumbuh lebih besar ukurannya.

Tegus dewasa adalah hewan darat, tidak arboreal, dan hewan penggali yang lebih suka menghabiskan waktu di darat dan umumnya tidak suka memanjat. Yang mengatakan, mereka mampu, jika mereka mau.

Juvenile tegus love to climb. Dewasa, not so much.
Remaja Argentina hitam dan putih tegu. Foto milik CHUCAU.

Climbing behavior in tegu species

There are three main species of tegus commonly kept as pets: Penyelamat Merian, Juruselamat tersipu, and Tupinambis teguixin.

These species all exhibit the same climbing behavior patterns. Juvenile tegus are very agile climbers and spend a lot of time in trees, they use their sharp claws and powerful tails to grip branches and move quickly through the trees.

As they get older, tegus become less arboreal and spend more time on the ground. They still have the ability to climb, but they do not do it as often.

Other less common species of tegus, such as the Dracaena guianensis, or Caiman Lizard, are actually arboreal and do climb extensively even as adults.

These lizards have long, slender bodies and powerful tails that help them to grip branches. They are also very good at jumping from branch to branch.

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