» トカゲ


Lizard with strongest bite

What Lizard Has The Strongest Bite Force?

In the realm of reptiles, the Tegu lizard stands out for its formidable bite force, relying on physical strength for hunting. 一方で, コモドオオトカゲ, with their venomous bite and substantial size, are known for taking down prey much larger than themselves.

Lizards Yawning

Do Lizards Yawn?

Yawning in lizards, ヤモリを含む, フトアゴヒゲトカゲ, iguanas, and monitor lizards, serves various purposes like jaw realignment, respiratory regulation, and social signaling.

北カイマントカゲ (ドラセナ・ギアネンシス) シェッド水族館で, シカゴ, イリノイ州

5 ミニワニに似たペットのトカゲ

ワニに似たいくつかの種のトカゲがいます, 粗い鱗など, 長い尾, そして強力な顎. でも, 彼らははるかに小さいです, もっと従順な, ワニのいとこよりも世話が簡単です. ミニワニに似たペットのトカゲ5匹を紹介します。.