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» Black-throated 모니터 케어 – 정보, 울로 둘러싼 땅, 다이어트 & 건강

Black-throated 모니터 케어 – 정보, 울로 둘러싼 땅, 다이어트 & 건강

블랙 스로티드 모니터 (Varanus albigularis microstictus) Varanidae 가족에 속하는 모니터 도마뱀의 아종입니다.

탄자니아 원주민, 이 파충류는 인상적인 크기로 유명합니다., 대부분의 인간의 키보다 더 긴 길이에 도달.

그들의 위협적인 모습에도 불구하고, Black Throated Monitors는 상대적으로 유순하며 숙련된 파충류 애호가를 위한 환상적인 애완동물이 될 수 있습니다..

블랙 Throated 모니터 (Varanus albigularis microstictus)
블랙 Throated 모니터 (Varanus albigularis microstictus)

Black Throated Monitor Care Sheet

일반 이름블랙 Throated 모니터
과학적인 이름Varanus albigularis microstictus
수명20+ 연령
성인 크기6.5 에게 7 피트
무게까지 60 파운드 (adult males)
인클로저 크기 요구 사항6 피트 (길이) x 4 피트 (너비) x 4 피트 (height)
인클로저 온도 요구 사항82-86°F
습도 요구 사항다양함, generally 60-80%

Husbandry – Enclosure Requirements

Providing a suitable enclosure is crucial for the well-being of your Black Throated Monitor.

These lizards require a large and strong enclosure due to their size and activity level. A permanent enclosure made of wood or plexiglass is often preferred.

The minimum enclosure size for an adult Black Throated Monitor should be 6 피트 길이, 4 폭 피트, 그리고 4 feet in height. This allows them to stretch out and move around comfortably.

Lighting is essential for maintaining a proper day-night cycle. Provide UVB lighting to ensure adequate calcium absorption and promote overall health.

Temperature gradients within the enclosure are crucial. Maintain a basking spot temperature of around 100-120°F and a cooler side around 80-85°F.

It’s important to monitor the temperatures closely to create a suitable thermoregulation range for your Black Throated Monitor.

Maintaining the appropriate humidity level is vital for the health of your lizard. Black Throated Monitors require humidity levels that range between 60% 그리고 80%.

Regular misting and providing a large water dish for soaking will help maintain the required humidity. Using a hygrometer can help you monitor and adjust the humidity levels as needed.

식이 요구 및 수유 일정

육식성 파충류로서, Black Throated Monitors have specific dietary needs. Their diet primarily consists of a variety of live prey, including rodents, 곤충, and small birds.

It’s important to provide a balanced diet by offering a variety of food items to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. You can also include occasional treats such as eggs or fish to add dietary variety.

Feed your Black Throated Monitor appropriately sized prey items. The size of the prey should be about the same width as the monitor’s head.

This helps prevent any choking hazards. Juvenile monitors should be fed smaller prey more frequently, while adult monitors can be fed larger meals on a less frequent basis.

Establish a feeding schedule that aligns with their natural feeding habits. Offer food every 2-3 days for juveniles and 4-7 어른들을 위한 날들. It’s important to monitor their body condition and adjust the feeding frequency accordingly to prevent overfeeding or obesity.

Provide fresh, clean water at all times in a shallow dish large enough for your monitor to soak in. Regularly clean and refill the water dish to ensure optimal hydration.

고려해야 할 사항

길들이기 및 취급:

When it comes to taming and handling Black Throated Monitors, it’s important to approach the process with patience and care.

These lizards are known for their skittish nature and can exhibit defensive behaviors when they feel threatened. 결과적으로, taming and building trust with a Black Throated Monitor may require more time and effort compared to other monitor lizard species.

It’s recommended to start by allowing the monitor to acclimate to its new environment and establish a sense of security.

Gradually introduce your presence by spending time near the enclosure without making sudden movements or loud noises. 시간이 지남에 따라, you can begin to offer food from your hand to encourage positive associations.

While some Black Throated Monitors can become relatively tolerant of handling, it’s important to remember that they are still wild animals at heart.

Excessive handling or rough treatment can lead to stress and potential injury for both you and the lizard. It’s crucial to respect their boundaries and handle them with experienced hands to ensure their well-being.

비용 및 유지보수:

Owning a Black Throated Monitor comes with significant financial responsibilities. These lizards have specific care requirements that need to be met to ensure their health and well-being.

The initial cost of acquiring a pet and a suitable enclosure, which should provide ample space for their active nature, can be substantial – ranging from several hundred to a couple thousand dollars in the US.

추가적으로, the enclosure needs to be equipped with appropriate heating, 조명, and furnishings to mimic their natural habitat.

Black Throated Monitors are carnivorous and require a varied diet consisting of whole prey items such as rodents, 곤충, 그리고 작은 척추동물. Providing a nutritionally balanced diet can be costly, especially for larger adults that require larger food portions.

Regular veterinary check-ups and potential medical expenses should also be factored into the overall cost of ownership. Monitoring their health, addressing any potential health issues, and providing necessary medications or treatments are essential to their well-being.

Maintenance of the enclosure is another aspect to consider. Black Throated Monitors are known to defecate frequently, and their enclosures need to be regularly cleaned to maintain hygiene and prevent the buildup of bacteria or parasites. This includes regular substrate replacement, cleaning of furnishings, and maintaining appropriate humidity levels.

Black Throated, White Throated, and Peach Throated Monitors

When comparing Black Throated Monitors to White Throated Monitors (Varanus albigularis albigularis) and Peach Throated Monitors (Varanus jobiensis) as potential pets, there are notable differences to consider.

Black Throated Monitors and White Throated Monitors share similar care requirements, including the need for spacious enclosures, specific temperature and humidity ranges, and a carnivorous diet.

하지만, Black Throated Monitors tend to have a slightly larger adult size, reaching lengths of up to 6-7 피트, compared to White Throated Monitors.

Peach Throated Monitors, 반면에, have different care needs. They are generally smaller in size and have a preference for rainforest environments, requiring higher humidity levels. Their diet may also include a wider variety of invertebrates compared to Black Throated Monitors.

기질면에서, Black Throated Monitors can be more skittish and defensive compared to White Throated Monitors and Peach Throated Monitors. This can impact their handling and taming process, requiring more time and patience to build trust and establish a bond.

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