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Smaller species of Monitor lizards are allowed in British Columbia, but not in Toronto

Are Monitor Lizards Legal in Canada?

Depending on where you are located, you may or may not be able to keep a Monitor lizard as a pet in Canada. British Columbia allows the possession of most Monitor lizards which are commonly found in the pet trade, with some exceptions. Some of the most popular pet Monitor lizards, such as Ackie Monitors (Varanus 잔잔한), 사바나 모니터 (바라누스 엑산테마티쿠스), and Timor Monitors (바라누스 티모렌시스) are generally allowed. This… 더 읽어보기 »Are Monitor Lizards Legal in Canada?

Uromastyx and strawberries

Can Uromastyx Eat Strawberries?

Uromastyx can eat strawberries. They should be fed in moderation due to their high sugar content, which can lead to health issues such as obesity and diabetes if consumed excessively.

Uromastyx and berries

Uromastyx가 먹을 수 있는 열매는 무엇입니까??

Uromastyx lizards can eat berries, 하지만 적당히만. 라즈베리, 블루 베리, 딸기, 블랙 베리, and mulberries are all safe for bearded dragons to eat. These berries are a good source of vitamins, 탄산수, 및 항산화제, 하지만 설탕 함량도 높아요. Too many berries can lead to obesity and other health problems.

Uromastyx and celery

Can Uromastyx Eat Celery?

Uromastyx can safely consume celery, which is high in water and fiber. It should be fed sporadically because it is not particurarly nutrient-dense.

녹색 이구아나와 초콜릿

이구아나가 초콜릿을 먹을 수 있나요??

도마뱀은 특히 테오브로민에 민감하기 때문에 초콜릿은 이구아나에게 독성이 있습니다., 초콜릿에서 발견되는 화합물. 초콜릿은 파충류에게 여러 가지 건강 문제를 일으킬 수 있습니다, 발작과 사망을 포함.

모로코 유로매스틱스

Moroccan Uromastyx For Sale

The Moroccan Uromastyx, also known as the Moroccan Spiny-Tailed Lizard or “Eye” Lizard, is a species of Uromastyx native to the dry scrublands of Morocco, North Africa. They are known for their unique frog-like face, short spiked tail, and very small scales compared to other agamids. They are quite long-lived with individuals recorded at 30 years old but with a more average lifespan of 15 연령. Moroccan Uromastyx lizards are… 더 읽어보기 »Moroccan Uromastyx For Sale