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Can Tegus eat Carrots?

Taip, Tegu driežus galite maitinti ir morkomis, ir morkų viršūnėmis.

Tegus savo mityboje reikia įvairių daržovių, ir morkos (įskaitant jų lapus) yra labai sveikas pasirinkimas, nes juose yra daug vitaminų ir maistinių medžiagų.

Tegu and carrots
Tegu vs Carrots

Argentinos juodos ir baltos spalvos tegus ir raudonos spalvos tegus reikės maždaug 30% jų racioną sudaro daržovės.

For Colombian tegus / gold tegus, this should be around 10%.

Ką reikia apsvarstyti

Carrot tops (the green leaves) are also edible and especially healthy for Tegu lizards.

It is best to serve carrots raw, just make sure to wash them thoroughly to remove any dirt.

You do not need to peel carrots, but make sure they are organic and free from pesticides.

Idealiu atveju, combine carrots with other types of vegetables and greens as well as small amounts of fruit in order to give your pet access to a wide range of nutrients.

Ar tegus gali valgyti morkas?

Taip, tegus can eat carrots. They need a variety of vegetables as part of their diet, and carrots are a healthy choice due to their high amounts of vitamins and nutrients.

Carrots contain Vitamin A, beta-carotene, and dietary fiber which are beneficial for Tegu lizards.

Can tegus eat carrot tops?

Taip, tegus can eat carrot tops.

Carrot greens are edible and especially healthy for Tegu lizards, as they are packed with nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, kalio, calcium, and Vitamin B6.

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