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Kan blåtungeskinn spise tomater?

Blåtungeskinn kan spise tomater, men de bør mates sporadisk. Tomater inneholder vitamin C, EN, antioksidanter og fiber, så de er ikke fattige på næringsstoffer.

Til tross for deres helsemessige fordeler, tomater er veldig sure og noe høye i oksalater, slik at de kan skape problemer i store mengder.

Kan blåtungeskinn spise tomater?
Blue tongued skink vs tomatoes

Things to consider

Noen ting du bør huske på når du mater tomater til din blåtungeøgle:

  • Tomater har lave kalsiumnivåer, som er avgjørende for sunne bein og utvikling. This means that feeding your skink with too many tomatoes can lead to calcium deficiency which is not good for your pet.
  • Tomatoes have an undesirable ratio of calcium and phosphorous such that the existence of phosphorous in tomatoes prevents absorption of calcium in the body. Dette fører til kalsiummangel i din blåtungeøgle eller, i de mest ekstreme tilfellene, til metabolsk beinsykdom.

Better alternatives

When considering alternative food options for blue-tongued skinks, it is important to prioritize their nutritional needs.

Leafy greens such as collard greens, kål, and mustard greens are excellent choices as they provide essential vitamins and minerals while being low in oxalates. These greens are high in calcium and have a favorable calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, promoting healthy bone development.

I tillegg, incorporating a variety of fruits like berries, mango, and papayas can provide a good source of vitamins and natural sugars.

As blue-tongued skinks are omnivores, insects such as crickets, melorm, and silkworms can also be offered as a protein-rich supplement to their diet.

It is crucial to maintain a balanced and diverse diet to ensure the overall health and well-being of blue-tongued skinks.

Reptilink-alternativer for Blue-tongue Skinks

De 25/25/50 Altetende blanding + Insects reptilinks are specially formulated for adult and subadult blue-tongued skinks they contain 50% vegetabilsk materie (ingen frukt), 25% insekter, og 25% mager kanin.

Ingredienser: Insekter (hisser kakerlakker, sirisser, superormer), Kanin (Ohio oppdratt New Zealand hvit eller California hvit rase, inkluderer hele kadaveret) økologiske grønne bønner, collard greener, løvetann greener, endive, 100% naturlig kollagenhylster.

Du kan få $5 av din neste Reptilinks-bestilling ved å bruke koden «petswithscales» i kassen eller ved å bestille gjennom vår kampanjelink.

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