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Kan leguaner spise avokado? Giftighet, Ernæring og helseproblemer

Iguanas can consume most types of fruit, men avocado is one of the few foods known to be toxic to reptiles. På grunn av dette, you should not feed avocado to your pet iguana, as it can have serious negative consequences for their health.

Avokado bør aldri tilbys til iguaner. Et stoff i avokado kjent som persin er skadelig for flere reptiler og fugler, og øgler kan bli syke og til og med dø bare timer etter inntak av avokado.

Iguana og avokado
Iguana vs avokado

I tillegg, avokado inneholder mye oksalsyre, som er kjent for å kombinere med vitaminer og mineraler for å generere oksalater, som er vanskelig for reptiler å utvise fra systemet sitt. Dette kan føre til utvikling av nyrestein, ha en skadelig innvirkning på kjæledyrets evne til å absorbere kalsium, og til slutt forårsake metabolsk beinsykdom.

Derfor, iguaner bør aldri spise avokado, hver del av denne frukten er å betrakte som giftig for reptiler.

fett22.7 gramVery high
Karbohydrater9 gramNormal
Fiber7 gramHigh
Kalsium5 milligramsLow
Fosfor52 milligramsNormal
Folate108.8 microgramsVery high
Nutritional value for 100g of avocado

Things to consider:

  • Avocado contains a high amount of fat and should not be fed to iguanas as a regular part of their diet. Excessive consumption of fat can lead to obesity and other health issues in iguanas.
  • Avocado also contains a substance called persin, which is toxic to several reptiles and birds. Ingesting persin can cause illness and even death in iguanas.
  • When looking for fruit alternatives for iguanas, options like strawberries, blåbær, and mangoes are safer and contain lower levels of fat. men, fruits should still be given in moderation as a supplement to a balanced diet of leafy greens and vegetables.

Iguanas and Avocados FAQs

Are avocados good for iguanas?

Nei, avocados are not good for iguanas. The primary nutrients an iguana needs are calcium and vitamin D. dessverre, avocados provide very little calcium, with only 27 milligrams per cup. The high level of phosphorus it contains prevents the calcium from being absorbed, and there is no vitamin D present in avocados. Derfor, there is no nutritional benefit in feeding this food to your pet.

Why are avocados toxic to iguanas?

Avocado plants contain a toxic chemical called persin which is harmful to many animals, including cats, dogs, and iguanas. Persin is a fungus idol toxin that can cause severe reactions and even death in many animals. All parts of the avocado plant contain persin, so it’s recommended to avoid feeding avocado to iguanas, and if your iguana ingests some by mistake, you should take them to the vet to have them checked.

What is the calcium and phosphorus ratio in avocados, and why is it harmful to iguanas?

The calcium and phosphorus ratio in avocados is much too high for iguanas. Most experts recommend keeping these two minerals at a ratio of two to one because the phosphorus can prevent the iguana from absorbing the calcium. If an iguana doesn’t get enough calcium, it can lead to a serious condition called metabolic bone disease (MBD).

MBD can cause the bones of your reptile to become soft and brittle, and some pets can even become immobile. One cup of avocado contains about 27 milligrams of calcium but 119 milligrams of phosphorus, so the phosphorus content is much too high and could lead to problems down the line.

What can I feed my iguana instead of avocados?

Leafy greens such as collard greens, mustard greens, and dandelions should make up about 60% of your iguana’s diet. For the remaining 40%, you can feed them brightly colored vegetables like green and red peppers, squash, yellow beans, and peas. Om 10% of your iguana’s diet can consist of fruit, such as dried figs, bananer, jordbær, bringebær, druer, and apples.

When introducing new fruit to their diet, do so slowly to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea. Always check the nutritional value of every food you plan to feed your iguana to ensure the calcium to phosphorus ratio is acceptable.

Avoid feeding iguanas any food that contains a lot of sugar, animal proteins, or has an unfavorable calcium to phosphorus ratio, such as corn, cabbage, broccoli, turnips, rosenkål, potatoes, asparagus, and cauliflower. Også, avoid feeding them dog and cat food, as it is not formulated for the nutritional needs of reptiles.

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