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Crocodilians care guide and information: krav til vedlegg, kosthold og fôring, helse og mer. How to keep and care for crocodilians as a pet – alligators, crocodiles and gharials.

Pet Alligator on a Leash

Can You Own a Pet Alligator?

Owning a pet alligator requires understanding their wild instincts and needs. Alligators cannot be fully domesticated, posing safety risks and demanding specialized care.

Alligator spiser sjokoladedekkede marshmallows

Kan alligatorer spise sjokolade?

Sjokolade er en menneskelig delikatesse, men det utgjør en alvorlig trussel for alligatorer. Alligatorer er kjøttetende krypdyr som bor i ferskvannsøkosystemer som elver, innsjøer, sumper, og myrer. De har formidable kjever, pansret hud, og en lang hale som hjelper dem i svømming og balansering. Alligatorer spiser en rekke byttedyr, inkludert fisk, skilpadder, slanger, fugler, og pattedyr. Sjokolade er ikke egnet mat for alligatorer. Det er ikke naturlig… Les mer »Kan alligatorer spise sjokolade?

Finnes det alligatorer i Canada

Finnes det alligatorer i Canada?

Alligatorer er store krypdyr som tilhører ordenen Crocodilia, som også inkluderer krokodiller, alligatorer, og gharialer. Alligatorer er kun hjemmehørende i Kina, Mexico, og USA. De finnes ikke i noe annet land, inkludert Canada.

Alligators in Tennessee

Finnes det alligatorer i Tennessee? Innsjøer, Elver og områder med alligatorer

Alligators are expanding their range northward and have been spotted in several counties in Tennessee, including Shelby, Hardin, and Fayette. Lakes and rivers with alligators in Tennessee include Lake Chickamauga, Lake Barkley, Reelfoot Lake, the Mississippi River, the Tennessee River, and the Wolf River Wildlife Management Area.

Alligators in Florida

Finnes det alligatorer i Florida?

Florida is home to one of the largest population of alligators in the world, with an estimated 1.3 million individuals. Alligators can be found in all 67 counties in Florida, and they can be found in a variety of habitats, including swamps, marshes, innsjøer, rivers, and even urban areas.

Alligators in Texas

Finnes det alligatorer i Texas?

Texas is home to the largest alligator population in the United States, with an estimated 500,000 individuals. Alligators can be found in a variety of freshwater habitats throughout the state, including swamps, marshes, rivers, and lakes. They are most common in the eastern and southeastern parts of the state, but they can also be found in central and western Texas.

Alligators in North Carolina

Finnes det alligatorer i North Carolina?

There are an estimated 1,000-1,500 alligators in North Carolina. Alligators are found in freshwater marshes, sumper, and lakes along the coast of North Carolina, from Brunswick County to Gates County.