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Opieka nad dzieckiem tegu: Informacja, Załącznik & Wymagania dietetyczne

Thinking of adopting a baby tegu? Te jaszczurki rosną dość szybko i dramatycznie, z dorosłym samcem tegu argentyńskiego osiągającym rozmiary małego psa (na około 5 stopy).

W pierwszych dwóch latach życia, jednakże, młodociane tegus są małe i wrażliwe, and they require additional care in order to stay healthy and thrive.

If you have just adopted a tegu hatchling you are going to need to pay special attention to its environmental and dietary needs. 

Ta strona zawiera linki partnerskie. Jako współpracownicy Amazon możemy otrzymać prowizję za kwalifikujące się zakupy produktów. Nie ma to dla Ciebie żadnych dodatkowych kosztów.

Baby Argentine tegu
Młodzieńcze argentyńskie czarno-białe tegu. Sierra de los Padres, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Zdjęcie dzięki uprzejmości CHUCAO.

While adult tegus are mainly terrestrial, hatchlings and juvenile tegus are arboreal, spending much of their time climbing on trees in order to hide from predators (which include larger tegus!).

Physically, a young tegu does not really look much different from any other lizard, and they lack the typical “fat” jowls that distinguish adults from monitor lizards.

Their coloration is also different, young tegus often appear to be more green or orange compared to adults which may have black and white patterns (zbawiciel Maryi), gold and black patterns (tupinambis teguixin), or a “raw meat red” coloration (salvator rufuscens).

Growth Chart

Please note that tegu growth patterns can vary significantly among individuals.

Growth spurts and rates can differ based on various factors such as genetics, dieta, environment, and overall health, there is no “ideal” size a tegu should reach at any given age.

The growth chart provided below serves as a general estimate and should not be interpreted as an exact representation of growth progression for all tegus.

Wiek (Months) Argentine Tegu Size Red Tegu Size Colombian Tegu Size
0 8-10 W / 20-25 cm 8-10 W / 20-25 cm 8-10 W / 20-25 cm
6 18-24 W / 45-60 cm 16-20 W / 40-50 cm 12-16 W / 30-40 cm
12 30-36 W / 75-90 cm 24-30 W / 60-75 cm 18-24 W / 45-60 cm
24 48-60 W / 120-150 cm 36-48 W / 90-120 cm 24-36 W / 60-90 cm
Dorosły Aż do 5 stopy / 150 cm (large male adult) Aż do 4 stopy / 120 cm (large male adult) Aż do 3 stopy / 90 cm (large male adult)

Because there’s no such a thing as imprinting for lizards, baby tegus won’t initially recognize you as their caretaker.

In order to get them to trust you, you will need to interact with them regurarly and handle them as much as possible so that they stop seeing you as a potential predator.

Many owners leave a used t-shirt in their tegu’s enclosure so that they learn to recognize their smell and associate it to “home”.

Juvenile tegus have a tendency to run from you but you need to be persistent in your handling.

Try to pet and stroke them whenever it’s feeding time so that they are out of their hides, do not pull them out yourself and do not grab them by their tail or they will see you as a threat.

They may tail whip and perhaps even bite but at this young age they are unlikely to do any harm.

When they reach “guberty” (at around 2 years of age) they might get moody and more aggressive than usual, it’s a good idea to put on some thick gloves when you are handling them because their bite may actually do some damage.

Baby tegus do not need as much caging space as adults, but because they grow quickly it may be more cost-efficient to house them directly in the enclosure they will stay in as adults.

The size of the enclosure will depend on species, aim at at least 8x4x4 for Argentine black and white tegus, Chacoan tegus, and Red tegus.

A 6x3x3 enclosure may suffice for Blue tegus and Colombian gold tegus. Keep in mind that these are minimum size recommendations and that males tend to grow larger than females.

Niezbędny 8 Stopka PCV & Obudowa aluminiowa – 96 Lx 48 szer.x 48 H

Niezbędny 8 Stopka PCV & Obudowa aluminiowa – 96 Lx 48 szer.x 72 H
Czytaj więcej: Tegu Enclosures, Rozmiar & Wymagania

You will need to provide 12 hours of UVB light and adequate heat, with both a basking area and a cool off area, and make sure your tegu cannot accidentally touch the heat lamp as they climb.

Humidity should be relatively high, especially for red tegus which are prone to skin and shedding issues (70-90% humidity is recommended).

Replace their water bowl daily and spray the enclosure with a mist bottle. The substrate you pick should also be deep enough for them to burrow. Cypress mulch, coconut shell, reptisoil are good choices.

Hides are particularly important for baby tegus as they are especially vulnerable to predators in the wild.

Add sterilized logs and rocks to the enclosure so they can feel safer and reduce anxiety. Juvenile tegus are known for spending much of the day hiding.

All baby and juvenile tegus, niezależnie od gatunku, should be fed a diet high in protein in order to promote growth for the first two years or so.

This can be achieved by initially feeding mostly insects such as cockroaches, świerszcze, koniki polne, dżdżownice, mączniki, jedwabniki i ślimaki.

As their mouths grow larger, możesz zacząć karmić je małymi i małymi palcami reptilinki. The Tegu Hatchling Bundle is a great option tailored specifically for juvenile tegus. (Widzieć: Najlepsze Reptilinks dla Tegusa)

Dostawać $5 rabatu na Twoje kolejne zamówienie w Reptilinks z dopiskiem „petswithscales" kod partnerski
$5 wyłącz Reptilinks. Złóż wniosek tutaj.

Ostatecznie, możesz karmić je surowym kurczakiem i indykiem, surowe lub gotowane jajka (z muszlą), ryby i krewetki; a także warzywa i owoce, takie jak marchew, papryka, zdusić, dynie, mlecze, truskawki, jagody, jabłka, winogrona, wiśnie, cactus pads and fruits. 

Wymagania dietetyczne
Praca wykonana dla nieletnich (0-2 lat)90% białko10% owoce i warzywa
Akt argentyński (>2 lat)60% białko30% warzywa, 10% owoce
tegu kolumbijski (>2 lat)90% białko10% owoce i warzywa

Harmonogram karmienia

To, jak często musisz karmić tegu, zależy w dużej mierze od jego wieku. Baby tegus should be fed daily and they will grow at a fast rate for the first couple of months.

They can be fed 4-5 times a week when they are around 1 roczny, and less sporadically once they reach sexual maturity (na około 2 lat).

Harmonogram karmienia
Pisklęta (0-6 miesiące)Karm codziennie
Nieletni (7-12 miesiące)Karm prawie codziennie
Subdorośli (1-3 lat)Karm co drugi dzień
Dorośli ludzie (>3 lat)Karm dwa razy w tygodniu
How often to feed your tegu, przez wiek

Best foods for juvenile tegus

Farm bred insects:

  • Świerszcze
  • Koniki polne
  • Karaluchy Dubijskie
  • Karaluchy dyskoidalne
  • Karaluchy
  • Mączniki
  • Superrobaki
  • Hornwormy
  • Dżdżownice
  • ślimaki (w tym powłoki)

Inna cała zdobycz:

  • Pinkies
  • Chicks
  • Quail
  • Reptilink

Ryby i owoce morza:

  • Krewetka
  • Prawn
  • All sorts of raw fish, cut in pieces

Eggs and poultry:

  • Whole quail eggs (raw or soft boiled, with shell)
  • Scrambled chicken egg served with shell pieces
  • Ground chicken or turkey, dusted with calcium powder
  • Chicken gizzards, heart and liver


  • Warzywa (np. carrot, chicory, collard, mniszek lekarski, Gorczyca)
  • Zdusić (np. żołądź, butternut, kabocha, spaghetti, yellow squash) 
  • Green Beans 
  • Green Peas
  • Snap Peas 
  • Cukinia
  • Sweet peppers


  • Jagody (np. jagody, Jeżyny, maliny, truskawki)
  • Melony (np. casaba, kantalupa, arbuz) 
  • kiwi
  • Mango
  • Papaja
  • Banan
  • Seedless grapes and dates

Żywność, której należy unikać

  • Dzikie złapane owady
  • Przetworzone mięso
  • Żywność w puszkach o wysokiej zawartości sodu lub cukru
  • Awokado
  • Kwiaty azalii
  • Liście azalii
  • brokuły
  • Kwiaty jaskry
  • Bakłażan
  • Konopie
  • Sałata
  • Liście lub kwiaty marihuany
  • Cebula
  • rozmaryn
  • Szałwia
  • szpinak
Mieszanka Zilla Wszystkożerna
Mieszanka Zilla Omnivore – Owady, Owoce i warzywa + Wapń

Mieszanka warzyw i owoców Zilla

Mieszanka warzywna Zilla + Wapń


Calcium supplements are especially recommended for all tegu lizards regardless of age and species.

Wybierz suplement wapnia pozbawiony fosforu i witaminy D3 and dust your baby tegus’s food with it once to twice per week.

Occasionally feeding whole prey smaller than your tegu’s mouth (np. owady, pinkies and shrimp or prawn) może również pomóc w dostarczaniu wapnia w przeciwieństwie do mielonego mięsa.

Wreszcie, you may also gut load live insect prey with calcium and then feed them to your lizard.

Raz w tygodniu, it is recommended to sprinkle or mix a multiwitamina with your tegu’s food as well in addition to calcium, especially if your tegu does not get enough veggies and fruit in its diet.

Suplement wapnia Repticalcium
Zoo Med Repti Wapń bez D3
Przyjazny dla gadów suplement wapniaRepcal Calcium bez D3
Suplement multiwitaminowy dla gadów
Suplement dla gadów z witaminą Repta firmy Fluker
Czytaj więcej: Najlepsze suplementy dla Tegusa

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