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Dom » Czy biczogon może jeść pomidory??

Czy biczogon może jeść pomidory??

Biczogony są roślinożercami i jedzą wszelkiego rodzaju warzywa, zielenie i owoce, w tym pomidory.

Powszechnie uważa się, że pomidory można od czasu do czasu dokarmiać jaszczurki uromatyx, but this food should not be a constant in its diet.

Tomatoes have high amounts of oxalates and are quite acidic, and they can lead to health issues when consumed in large amounts by reptiles.

Uramastyx and tomatoes
Uramastyx vs Tomatoes

Pomidory są bogate w witaminę C, A, przeciwutleniacze i błonnik, ale brakuje im wapnia, are very acidic and have a high oxalate content, which in large quantities can bind to calcium and further prevent its absorption, which is a major problem for reptiles.

It is therefore recommended that tomatoes be given to uromatyx only in moderation.

As a general rule, legwany nie powinny mieć więcej niż 20 percent of their diet consist of fruits, and tomatoes are one of them.

Why you should not feed tomatoes to uramastyx too often:

Tomatoes have low levels of calcium, which is essential for bone health and development.

This means that feeding uromatyx with too many tomatoes can lead to a calcium deficiency that is not good for the animal.

Tomatoes have an undesirable ratio of calcium to phosphorus, such that the presence of phosphorus in tomatoes prevents calcium absorption in the body. This leads to calcium deficiency in the lizard or, w najbardziej ekstremalnych przypadkach, choroba metaboliczna kości.

Tomato plants and leaves

It is not recommended that iguanas be given tomato leaves or any other part of the plant.

Tomatoes are part of the umbelliferae family, which is known to contain high levels of alkaloids in the stems, liście, kwiaty i winorośl.

These are generally considered toxic and should not be given to reptiles, chociaż zaobserwowano, że iguany zjadają pomidory na wolności.

Uromastyks egipski

(Uromastyx aegyptia)

od naszego partnera

Uromastyks egipski

Ozdobny Uromastyks

(Uromastyks ozdobiony)

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Ozdobny Uromastyks

Uromastyks żółty nigerski

(Uromastyx ocellatus)

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Uromastyks żółty nigerski

Czerwony Uromastyks

(Uromastyx ocellatus)

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Marokański Uromastyx

(Uromastyx acanthinura nigriventris)

od naszego partnera

Marokański Uromastyx

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