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Casa » Tegus pode comer maçãs?

Tegus pode comer maçãs?

Sim, tegus can eat apples and it is okay to feed them a variety of fruits as part of a balanced diet.

Frutas com alto teor de frutose devem ser limitadas devido ao seu alto teor de açúcar e risco de levar à obesidade.

Além disso, você precisa remover todas as sementes de maçã antes de servir, porque elas são difíceis de digerir e podem levar à impactação. Fora isso, apple is a healthy fruit choice in moderation.

Tegus pode comer maçã?
Tegu and apples

O tegu argentino adulto não deve ter mais do que 10% de sua dieta composta por frutas.

Juvenile tegu and adult Colombian tegu should be fed fruits even more sporadically.

Coisas a considerar

The majority of greens in a tegu’s diet should consist of dark leafy greens, such as romaine lettuce, couve, and kale.

These greens are high in vitamins, minerais, e fibra, and they are essential for tegu health.

Wash the apple thoroughly before feeding. This will remove any dirt, pesticides, or other contaminants that could be harmful to your pet.

Remove the core and seeds. The core and seeds of apples contain cyanogenic glycosides, which can be poisonous to tegus.

Corte a maçã em pedaços pequenos. This will make it easier for your tegu to eat and digest.

Offer apples in moderation. Maçãs são ricas em açúcar, so it is important to offer them to tegus in moderation. Overfeeding apples can lead to obesity and other health problems, such as diabetes.

When it comes to fruit, options that are lower in sugar are ideal for tegus. Bagas, such as strawberries, amoras, e framboesas, are a good choice. 

Other low-sugar fruit options include melons, manga, guava and papaya.

It is important to offer your tegu a variety of foods to ensure that they are getting all of the nutrients they need.

In addition to greens and fruit, you should also offer your tegu a diet that includes protein sources such as insects, roedores, e pássaros.

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