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Tegus pode comer tomate?

Tegus pode comer tomate, mas devem ser alimentados esporadicamente as they lead to stomach issues and other health implications.

Os tomates contêm vitamina C, UMA, antioxidantes e fibras, para que não sejam pobres em nutrientes.

Apesar de seus benefícios para a saúde, os tomates são muito ácidos e um pouco ricos em oxalatos, para que possam causar problemas em grandes quantidades.

Tegu and tomatoes
Tegu vs tomatoes

Coisas a considerar

Algumas coisas a ter em mente ao alimentar tomates para o seu lagarto tegu:

Os tomates têm baixos níveis de cálcio, que é essencial para ossos e desenvolvimento saudáveis.

Isso significa que alimentar seu tegu com muitos tomates pode levar à deficiência de cálcio, o que não é bom para o seu animal de estimação..

Os tomates têm uma proporção indesejável de cálcio e fósforo de tal forma que a existência de fósforo no tomate impede a absorção de cálcio no corpo.

This leads to calcium deficiency in your tegu or, nos casos mais extremos, para doença óssea metabólica.

Tomate plantas should never be fed to tegus. Because it’s part of the nightshade family all parts of the plant, including the folhas, stems, e flores, as well as unripe fruits, contain alkaloids that are known to be toxic to reptiles.

These alkaloids can cause a variety of health problems in tegus, incluindo vômito, diarréia, convulsões, e até a morte.

The only part of the tomato plant that is safe for tegus to eat is the ripe , red tomato fruit.

Verde, unripe tomatoes contain solanine and should thus be avoided.

Better alternatives

Bell peppers can provide tegu with vitamin C and all the benefits of tomatoes without being high in oxalates.

All kinds of squash, radish, carrots and green beans can also be fed regularly.

Ver: best vegetables for tegu lizards.

Juvenile Tegu Lizard with Tomato
Juvenile Tegu Lizard with Tomato

Tegus pode comer tomate?

Sim, tegus can consume tomatoes, but only on an occasional basis.

Tomatoes are packed with nutrients such as vitamins C and A, antioxidantes, e fibra.

Despite these benefits, tomatoes contain a significant amount of oxalates.This can disrupt the absorption of calcium in the body.

Tomatoes are also quite acidic, which can cause upset stomach.

In general, it’s a good idea to offer tegus other types of vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens, while limiting consumption of tomatoes.

Can tegus eat tomato plants or leaves?

Não, tegus should not consume tomato plants or leaves.

Tomato plants are part of the nightshade family, and all parts of the plant, including the leaves, stems, e flores, contain alkaloids.

These substances are known to be toxic to reptiles.

Can tegus eat green, unripe tomatoes?

Não, tegus should avoid green, unripe tomatoes.

These tomatoes contain solanine, a toxic substance for many animals.

It’s best to only feed tegus tomato fruits that are red and fully ripened.

What are some alternatives to tomatoes for tegus?

Bell peppers are a great alternative to tomatoes for tegus.

They provide vitamin C and all the benefits of tomatoes without the high oxalate content.

Other suitable vegetables for tegus include all kinds of squash, radish, carrots with their tops, and green beans. These vegetables can be fed to tegus on a regular basis.

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