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Pode ocupado comer atum?

Tegus são onívoros e, como tal, podem comer peixe como parte de uma dieta variada.

O atum deve ser alimentado com moderação, porque contém tiaminase que pode reduzir a absorção de vitamina B1, mas de resto é uma escolha bastante saudável.

Isso é melhor para alimentar filés de atum crus, mas você pode alimentar atum enlatado ocasionalmente, desde que seja conservado em salmoura e não em óleo, você vai querer enxaguar sob água para remover qualquer excesso de sal.

Alta qualidade, wet cat food or dog food containing tuna may also be an option for tegus.

Pode ocupado comer atum?
Ação contra atum

No geral, não há problema em alimentar lagartos tegu com atum, embora there are better options in terms of fish and other protein sources (tal como frango cru ou peru).

Se você está planejando alimentar o seu tegu com atum, só o fazem esporadicamente e preferencialmente sob a forma de filetes de peixe cru. Excesso de atum pode causar problemas de saúde devido a altos níveis de mercúrio.

Better alternatives

Alimentar peixes brancos menores inteiros também pode ser uma opção melhor do que o atum, porque seu tegu terá acesso a todos os nutrientes dos órgãos e ossos do peixe, incluindo cálcio e minerais que, de outra forma, seriam difíceis de obter de fontes alimentares naturais.

Unshelled seafood can also be a great source of calcium and a substitute for whole prey.

Another great source of whole prey for tegus is reptilinks, a type of commercially prepared sausage link tailored specifically to meet a reptile’s needs, and consisting of whole prey animals containing meat, osso, connective tissue, and organs and all the essential nutrients a tegu needs.

Você pode obter um desconto em sua próxima compra de reptilink através esse link ou digitando o código “petswithscales” na finalização da compra.

Pegar $5 seu próximo pedido na Reptilinks com o "petswithscales" código de afiliado
$5 desligar Reptilinks. Reivindique aqui.

Can I feed tuna to my tegu?

Tuna can be fed to tegus, but it should be done with caution due to the presence of thiaminase in some species of tuna.

Thiaminase is an enzyme that breaks down thiamine, a crucial B-vitamin for reptiles.

Ao longo do tempo, thiaminase can lead to thiamine deficiency, which can cause neurological damage and even death in severe cases.

Portanto, it is recommended to feed cooked tuna to tegus as cooking neutralizes thiaminase.

Can I feed canned tuna fish to my tegu?

While some tegu owners have reported feeding their tegus canned tuna fish, it is generally not recommended as canned tuna often contains added salt and preservatives that may not be healthy for your pet.

If you do choose to feed canned tuna to your tegu, be sure to use tuna that is packed in water, not oil, as oil can be difficult for your tegu to digest.

It is important to note that canned tuna should not be a regular part of your tegu’s diet and should be fed in moderation.

Is it okay to feed fresh raw tuna to my tegu?

Fresh raw tuna can be a good source of protein for your tegu, but it is important to note that some species of fish, including tuna, may contain an enzyme called thiaminase.

Thiaminase destroys a reptile’s stores of vitamin B1 (thiamin), which can cause neurological damage and even death if not caught in time.

Cooking the fish neutralizes this enzyme, but if you choose to feed your tegu raw fish, be sure to only use fresh, high-quality fish that is free of parasites and other contaminants.

What other types of fish can I feed my tegu?

Other types of fish that can be fed to tegus include salmon, tilápia, bacalhau, e arinca.

These fish are generally safe for tegus to eat and are good sources of protein.

It is important to note that fish should only make up a small part of your tegu’s diet and should be fed in moderation.

Adicionalmente, be sure to avoid feeding your tegu any fish that may contain thiaminase, such as bass, peixe-gato, herring, mackerel, smelt, and whitefish.

Should I freeze fresh fish before feeding it to my tegu?

Freezing fresh fish can help to kill any parasites that may be present and can make the fish safer for your tegu to eat.

If you choose to feed your tegu fresh fish, be sure to freeze it for at least 24 hours before serving it.

This will help to ensure that the fish is safe and free from any harmful parasites or contaminants that could harm your pet.

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