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Uromastyx pode comer couve?

Uromastyx can eat kale, a leafy green rich in calcium, vitaminas, and minerals.

Unlike spinach, kale has a favorable calcium to phosphorus ratio of 2.4:1, making it a better choice for your uromastyx.

The higher calcium content in kale is more readily absorbed by your lizard, contributing positively to its bone health.

Uromastyx and Kale
Uromastyx vs Kale

Também, ao contrário de outros tipos de alface que consistem principalmente em água, couve é muito densa em nutrientes e também fornece vitamina A, C, K, potássio, manganese and magnesium!

As far as leafy vegetables go, kale is one of the best foods you can add to your uromastyx’s diet on a regular basis.

Kale does still contain some oxalates, so it should not be fed every day, but it i overall a healthy choice of greens. Offering kale to your uromastyx once or twice a week is generally considered safe.

Oxalate and gaitrogen content

Kale contains a small amount of oxalates and gaitrogens, but you can feed it regularly without concern.

Para comparação, spinach contains 48 times more oxalates than kale.

Idealmente, try to alternate kale with other dark leafy greens and smaller amounts of vegetables, grãos, legumes and fruits for a complete and varied diet.

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