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Tegu Morph

Tegu Morph

Argentine Action Morph & Lista hibridă

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Explore the incredible diversity of tegu lizards through their rare and unique morphs and hybrids, and learn about the genetic combinations that make them so fascinating to breeders and collectors alike.

Chacoan White Headed Tegu sau Paraguayan Tegu.

Chacoan Tegu cu cap alb: informație & Îngrijire

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Tegu cu cap alb din Chaco, cunoscut și sub numele de Paraguayan Tegu sau pur și simplu Chacoan Tegu, is a morph of the Argentine black and white tegu lizard characterized by a higher degree of white coloration in adults, mai ales în jurul capului lor. This animal originates from the Chaco region of Paraguay, but it can also be found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazilia și Uruguay. Chacoan tegus are very similar in appearance to the Argentine… Citeste mai mult »Chacoan Tegu cu cap alb: informație & Îngrijire