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Domov » Môže tegus jesť banány?

Môže tegus jesť banány?

Tegus can eat bananas, although it is not one of the healthiest food choices for them, and fruit in general should be fed sporadically.

Banány sú bohaté na živiny, obsahujú vitamín A a C, draslík, antioxidanty a minerály, however they are also high in sugar and phosphorus which can impact your tegu’s ability to absorb calcium and make it prone to illness.

Môže tegus jesť banány?
Tegus can eat bananas in moderation.

Najlepšie je nekŕmiť tegu banánmi každý deň a uistiť sa, že jeho stravu dopĺňate doplnkami vápnika, aby ste sa vyhli akémukoľvek nedostatku živín..

Čo je viac, bananas are also some of the fruits with the highest sugar content out there, preto ich treba kŕmiť s mierou. Polovicu banánu môžete zjesť aj sami, a zvyšnú polovicu nakŕmte svojmu miláčikovi.

Červený tegu jesť banán
Červený tegu jesť banán.

Can I feed bananas to my tegu?

Áno, you can feed bananas to your tegu as a treat, but it should not be a significant part of their diet.

While bananas are rich in nutrients, including vitamins A and C, draslík, and antioxidants, they are also high in sugar and phosphorus.

Too much sugar can cause weight gain and other health problems, while excess phosphorus can inhibit calcium absorption, leading to metabolic bone disease.

Can tegus eat banana peels?

Banana peels are technically edible and you can feed them to your tegu, although it is best to only do so with organic bananas to avoid having your pet exposed to harmful pesticides.

Banana peels are a good source of fibers but you should not feed them too often as too much fiber can lead to impaction issues.

What are the best fruits to feed a tegu lizard?

The best fruits for a tegu lizard are ones that are low in sugar but high in nutrition.

Bobule, such as blueberries, černice, a maliny, are great options as they are packed with antioxidants and fiber. Exotic fruits like mango, papája, and kiwi are also excellent choices as they are high in vitamins and minerals.

If you want to feed your tegu bananas, it is best to do so in moderation, as they are high in sugar and phosphorus, which can impact calcium absorption.

Instead of bananas, consider feeding your tegu small amounts of apples, hrušky, or melons as they are low in sugar but still provide important nutrients.

Keep in mind that fruit should only make up a small percentage of your tegu’s diet, with the majority of their food coming from vegetables, lean meats, and calcium supplements.

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