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Ali lahko varuhi Savannah jedo jajca?

Savannah opazovalci lahko jedo jajca. Piščančja in prepeličja jajca, ali surovo, kuhano, z, ali brez školjk, are all safe for Savannah monitors to consume.

V divjini, monitor lizards regurarly prey on bird eggs and have also been observed feeding on eggs laid by other lizards and reptiles.

Savannah monitor and eggs
Savannah monitor vs eggs

Because eggs are a great source of protein and their shells primarily made of calcium, it is better to feed them whole.

V idealnem primeru lahko jajce mehko kuhate nekaj minut, da ostanejo rumenjaki tekoči, in ga nato postrezite svojemu monitorju Savannah.

It is best not to feed eggs to Savannah monitors every day. In excessive quantities, jajca (especially raw eggs) might cause health issues.

This is due to the enzyme avidin that they contain, which may interfere with your lizard’s ability to absorb biotin (vitamin B7), resulting in skin issues and shedding problems.

Eggs are otherwise very nutritious and healthy for your monitor, so moderation is key.

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