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domov » Ali lahko tegus jedo špinačo?

Ali lahko tegus jedo špinačo?

Večina lastnikov kuščarjev tegu svojih ljubljenčkov raje ne hrani s špinačo. Tegus lahko uživa špinačo, vendar je lahko v velikih količinah škodljiva, zato morate zmanjšati porabo na minimum ali se je popolnoma izogibati.

Kljub temu, da je hranljiva temno listnato zelena, špinača ima izjemno visoko vsebnost oksalatov, ki se vežejo na kalcij in preprečujejo njegovo pravilno absorpcijo.

Calcium deficiency can lead to a variety of diseases from tail rot to metabolic bone disease which is potentially lethal for reptiles.

One cup of raw spinach can contain 700-800 milligrams of oxalates, which is way too high for safe consumption by tegu lizards.

Ta stran vsebuje pridružene povezave. Kot sodelavci Amazona lahko zaslužimo provizijo za nakupe ustreznih izdelkov. To je za vas brez dodatnih stroškov.

Tegu lizard and spinach
Tegu vs Spinach

Things to consider when feeding spinach to your tegu

  • Spinach contains insane amounts of oxalates, a compound that can prevent calcium absorption. Consuming spinach regularly may lead your tegu lizard to experience calcium deficiency or, in the worst case, presnovna bolezen kosti, which is potentially lethal to reptiles.
  • A better alternative? Kale should be your go-to dark leafy green for tegus. One cup of raw kale has less than 20mg of oxalates, so it can be fed a lot more regularly than spinach without problems.
Zilla Omnivore Mix
Zilla Omnivore Mix – Insekti, Sadje in zelenjava + kalcij

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Zelenjavna mešanica Zilla + kalcij

Ali lahko tegus jedo špinačo?

št, tegus should not eat spinach. Spinach is high in oxalates, which can bind to calcium and other minerals in the gut, making them difficult to absorb.

This can lead to calcium deficiency, which can have serious health consequences for tegus, including metabolic bone disease, tail rot, soft bones, and growth problems.

What should I feed my tegu instead of spinach?

There are many other vegetables that are safe for tegus to eat. Some good options include:

  • Kale
  • Zelenjava
  • Regratovo zelenje
  • Escarole
  • Endivija
  • korenje
  • Brokoli
  • Stročji fižol
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Bučke

Prioritize feeding dark leafy green over lighter varieties of lettuce (like iceberg) which are high in water and nutritiously poor. The same goes for cucumber.

You can also feed your tegu fruits, vendar zmerno. Some good options include:

Avoid feeding avocado for it can be toxic to reptiles. It is important to feed your tegu a variety of foods to ensure that they are getting all the nutrients they need.

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