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Krokodilska dejstva

Pet Alligator on a Leash

Can You Own a Pet Alligator?

Owning a pet alligator requires understanding their wild instincts and needs. Alligators cannot be fully domesticated, posing safety risks and demanding specialized care.

Aligator jé s čokolado oblit marshmallow

Aligatorji lahko jedo čokolado?

Čokolada je človeška poslastica, vendar resno ogroža aligatorje. Aligatorji so mesojedi plazilci, ki naseljujejo sladkovodne ekosisteme, kot so reke, jezera, močvirje, in močvirja. Imajo mogočne čeljusti, oklepno kožo, in dolg rep, ki jim pomaga pri plavanju in ohranjanju ravnotežja. Aligatorji uživajo raznovrsten plen, vključno z ribami, želve, kače, ptice, in sesalci. Čokolada ni primerna hrana za aligatorje. To ni naravno… Preberi več »Aligatorji lahko jedo čokolado?

Crocodiles and dinosaurs

Krokodili so dinozavri?

Crocodiles and dinosaurs are two groups of animals that have fascinated people for centuries. Both are ancient creatures that have existed on Earth for millions of years, and both have a reputation for being fierce predators. To je rekel, no, crocodiles are not dinosaurs. but the relationship between these two groups of animals is more complicated than you might think. Crocodiles vs Dinosaurs First, let’s take a look at what makes… Preberi več »Krokodili so dinozavri?

Seznam aligatorjev

Seznam vrst krokodilov: Aligatorji, Krokodili in še več

Crocodilia, the order of large reptiles comprising crocodiles, alligators, aligatorji, in gariali, offers a diverse array of species. This comprehensive list features information on various crocodilian species, including their scientific names, native ranges, sizes, and habitats. Explore the remarkable world of crocodilians and their unique characteristics.