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Skrb za kuščarje

Quince Monitor / Yellow Monitor

Quince Monitor Care Sheet

The Quince Monitor aka Yellow Monitor (Varanus melinus), is a medium-sized species of monitor lizard native to Southeast Asia. Known for their vibrant coloration and active behavior, they are a popular choice among reptile enthusiasts. V divjini, Quince Monitors inhabit the tropical rainforests and swamps of countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. They are semi-aquatic creatures and are often found near bodies of water. Quince Monitor Info Physical Characteristics… Preberi več »Quince Monitor Care Sheet

Kuščar Perence

Ali lahko imate Perentie kot hišnega ljubljenčka?

Perentie je največji varan v Avstraliji, in eden največjih na svetu. Lahko doseže do 2.5 metrov v dolžino in tehtajo do 20 kilogramov. Ta velikanski kuščar ima močan ugriz, ki lahko vbrizga strup, ostri kremplji, ki lahko trgajo meso, in mišičast rep, ki lahko biča kot bič.

Monitor s črnim grlom (Varanus albigularis microstictus)

Nega črnovratega monitorja – Informacije, Ohišje, Dieta & zdravje

The Black Throated Monitor (Varanus albigularis microstictus) je podvrsta kuščarja, ki pripada družini Varanidae. Po rodu iz Tanzanije, ti plazilci so znani po svoji impresivni velikosti, dosegajo večjo dolžino, kot je visoka večina ljudi. Kljub grozečemu videzu, Črnogrli opazovalci so razmeroma poslušni in so lahko fantastični hišni ljubljenčki za izkušene navdušence nad plazilci. Negovalni list za črnovrato varanko Splošno ime Črnogrlo varanko Znanstveno ime Varanus albigularis… Preberi več »Nega črnovratega monitorja – Informacije, Ohišje, Dieta & zdravje

Azijski nadzornik vode (Varanus Salvator)

Asian Water Monitor Care – Informacije, Ohišje, Dieta & zdravje

The Asian Water Monitor (Varanus salvator), also known as the Water Monitor or Common Water Monitor, is a captivating reptile popularly kept as a pet. Renowned for its impressive size, intelligence, and unique characteristics, this species has become a sought-after choice for reptile enthusiasts. As one of the largest monitor lizards in the world, the Asian Water Monitor demands attention and respect with its commanding presence. In terms of habitat,… Preberi več »Asian Water Monitor Care – Informacije, Ohišje, Dieta & zdravje

Nil Monitor (Varanus niloticus)

Nega nilskega varana – Informacije, Ohišje, Dieta & zdravje

Caring for a Nile monitor as a pet requires a spacious enclosure that mimics their natural habitat, proper heating and lighting, and a varied diet consisting of meat, ribe, and insects. Vendar, it’s important to note that Nile monitors are considered some of the most aggressive and challenging species to tame, requiring experience and knowledge to handle properly.