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European Legless Lizard (Pseudopus apodus)

European Legless Lizard Care – Informacion, rrethim, Dieta & Shëndeti

  • hardhuca

The European Legless Lizard, also known as Pseudopus apodus, is a unique and intriguing reptile native to regions spanning from Southern Europe to Central Asia. This species requires specific care to thrive in captivity, including a diurnal enclosure with a thermal gradient, a varied diet of insects and small vertebrates, and regular calcium and vitamin supplementation.

shallow focus photography of green iguana

Do Iguanas Make Good Pets? Things You Should Know

  • Iguana

Green iguanas may seem like captivating pets, but their temperament, demanding care requirements, destructive tendencies, and potential risks make them a pet choice that is best avoided for most people

can bearded dragons eat apples?

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Apples?

Bearded dragons can eat apples, but only in moderation. Apples are a good source of hydration, fiber, and vitamins, but they are also high in sugar. Si rregull i madh, jo me shume se 10-20% of the diet of a bearded dragon should consist of fruit.