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Добити $5 од ваше следеће поруџбине у Рептилинкс са „петсвитхсцалес" придружени код

Добити $5 Попуст на следећу куповину Рептилинк-а уз промотивни код „ПЕТСВИТХСЦАЛЕС’

Сарађујемо са Рептилинкс-ом како бисмо нашим читаоцима пружили специјалну понуду: $5 од ваше следеће куповине! Једноставно користите код “кућни љубимци са вагама” приликом плаћања или посетите ову везу да бисте искористили свој попуст.

Monitor Lizard in the house

Monitor lizards can be intimidating due to their size and appearance. Међутим, there are several ways to deter them from entering your property.

Pet Alligator on a Leash

Can You Own a Pet Alligator?

Owning a pet alligator requires understanding their wild instincts and needs. Alligators cannot be fully domesticated, posing safety risks and demanding specialized care.

Bearded Dragon Biting Hand

Bearded Dragon Bite, Зуби и отров

Bearded dragons are omnivorous lizards that feed on a mix of vegetables and insects, and are rather popular in the pet trade thanks to their docile behavior. Још увек – they are relatively large reptiles that can bite and potentially hurt you or other pets you may have. These reptiles have multiple teeth, with the number varying among individuals and stages of life. Baby bearded dragons start with sharp teeth that… Опширније »Bearded Dragon Bite, Зуби и отров

Legality of Monitor Lizards in New York

Can You Own a Monitor Lizard in New York State?

New York State has specific laws governing the ownership of exotic animals including large reptiles like Monitor lizards. These laws allow, restrict, or prohibit the ownership of certain species of animals. The Department of Conservation (DEC) regulates most exotic animals. Many species of monitor lizards are illegal to own as pets in New York, particurarly those that are very large in size. Restricted Species Citing regulations from the aformentioned Department of… Опширније »Can You Own a Monitor Lizard in New York State?