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Могу ли скинкови са плавим језиком јести јабуке?

Укратко: да, скинкови са плавим језиком могу да једу јабуке и сасвим је прихватљиво хранити их овим воћем као део уравнотежене исхране.

То је рекао, there are a few health considerations to keep in mind when feeding apples to your pet skink:

Плави језик скинк и јабука
Плавојезички скинк против Аппле

Јабуке су богате фруктозом и њихову потрошњу треба ограничити, због високог садржаја шећера који може довести до гојазности.

Штавише, морате се побринути да уклоните све семенке јабуке пре сервирања јер су тешко сварљиве и могу довести до удара.

Осим тога, јабука је здрав избор воћа и можете њоме умерено хранити свог плавог језика без икаквих већих брига.


Are apples safe for blue tongue lizards?

да, apples are generally safe for blue tongue lizards to eat. Међутим, they should be fed in moderation as they are high in fructose, which is a type of sugar that can lead to obesity in reptiles. Додатно, apple seeds should be removed before feeding as they can be hard to digest and may cause impaction. Apples can be a good source of dietary fiber, витамини, and minerals for blue tongue lizards, but they should not make up the majority of their diet.

Can blue tongue skinks eat applesauce?

It is not recommended to feed blue tongue skinks applesauce as it often contains added sugars and preservatives that may not be healthy for reptiles. Додатно, the texture of applesauce may not be ideal for blue tongue skinks, as they prefer to chew their food. It is best to stick to feeding fresh fruits to blue tongue skinks, and to make sure that any fruit offered is appropriate for their dietary needs and offered in moderation.

What are the best fruits to feed blue tongue skinks?

In addition to apples, blue tongue skinks can also eat a variety of other fruits in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Some good options include berries, such as strawberries and blueberries, as well as melons, papaya, and mango. It is important to offer fruits that are appropriate for the specific dietary needs of the skink species, and to avoid offering fruits that are high in sugars or that may be difficult to digest.

Reptilink Options for Blue-tongue Skinks

Тхе 25/25/50 Omnivore blend + Insects reptilinks are specially formulated for adult and subadult blue-tongued skinks they contain 50% vegetable matter (no fruit), 25% инсекти, и 25% lean rabbit.

Ingredients: Инсецтс (hisser roaches, цврчци, superworms), Rabbit (Ohio raised New Zealand white or California white breed, includes entire carcass) organic green beans, кељу, dandelion greens, endive, 100% natural collagen casing.

You can get $5 off your next Reptilinks order by using code ‘petswithscales’ at checkout or by ordering through our promotional link.

Добити $5 од ваше следеће поруџбине у Рептилинкс са „петсвитхсцалес" придружени код
$5 off Reptilinks. Claim here.

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