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Тегу Пооп Хеалтх & Навикавање на ношу

Брига о гуштеру тегу је на много начина слична бризи о малом псу. Ови масивни гмизавци воле много да једу и због тога бављење њиховим тоалетним навикама може бити непријатно као власник кућног љубимца.

Многи људи више воле да њихов тегу обавља свој посао у кади где се лакше чисти. срећом, tegus are intelligent animals that with some effort can successfully be potty trained.

How to potty train a tegu
Tegu vs Potty

Firm / runny poop

The consistency of your tegu’s excrements will depend on what you feed it and it’s not necessarily an indication of its health.

Runny stool may be an indication that you are feeding too much egg and ground meat and can be fixed by implementing more whole prey (на пример. rodents and reptilink) to their diet.

Yellow / white “stuff” in the stool

Reptiles often release urates with their poop, which look like yellow / white excrements and may be more crystallized than regular stool.

Adult males may also release white sperm plugs at the same time.

How often do tegus poop?

Most adult tegus poop daily. Some may have a slower metabolism and poop every other day, that is fine.

If you notice any noticeable change in toilet schedule than your tegu may be constipated, in which case you can try gently rubbing its belly while bathing it in lukewarm water and see if it helps.


On rare occasions a tegu may show signs of coprophagy, то је, it may eat its own faeces.

This is normal animal behavior and shouldn’t be cause of concern. You can be disgusted by it, ипак.

Tegu impaction

Impaction occurs when a reptile eats food that it cannot digest and it gets stuck in its stomach. It can happen if your tegu accidentally swallows substrate or an old sock.

Impaction is a serious condition which may require surgery, so it’s best to consult a vet if you notice your tegu is in distress and has not pooped in a while.

You will know that something is wrong if your tegu stops eating and looks less active than usual, a lack of bowel movements by itself is not a sign of impaction.

Can you potty train a tegu?

People have managed to potty train their tegus with varying degrees of success. Tegus have good memory so once you take them to do their business in a particular spot a couple of times, they will learn that’s their designated toilet.

In order to do so, try to learn your tegu’s pooping schedule and recognize signs that it may be time to “go”.

Some caregivers take their tegu out of the enclosure for feeding and shortly after move it to the bathroom for toilet time. Soaking them in water generally helps them relax their body and release whatever they have eaten the day before.

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