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Играчке за тегу: како забавити свог љубимца гуштера

Тегуи су веома интелигентна створења и као таква, потребни су им стални подстицаји.

Без извора забаве, tegus will get bored and unhappy, они ће почети да показују знаке стреса и потенцијално могу чак постати агресивни, уништавајући све на видику.

срећом, постоји много начина да забавите свој тегу, пре свега тако што ће им обезбедити довољно простора да лутају унутар свог ограђеног простора, а и споља.

Приликом храњења, you can hide their food or let them catch live insects (we don’t encourage live feeding of rodents and other small animals).

Коначно, you can let your pet lizard interact and play with various items and “toys”.

Ова страница садржи партнерске везе. Као Амазон сарадници можемо да зарадимо провизију за куповину производа који испуњава услове. Ово је без додатних трошкова за вас.

Играчке за гуштере тегу
Играчке за гуштере тегу


Tegus love to hide. Hiding makes them feel safe from predators (in the wild, they are especially vulnerable to attacks from above by birds and flying animals).

Because tegus grow very big, it can be difficult to find adequate size hiding opportunities – a very big log or plastic bucket will do the job.

If you let your tegu wander around the house, you will often find them hiding behind your bed sheets – so it may be a good idea to get them their own rugs and blankets.

Hollow Log Hideaway Large Realistic Tree Stump

Habba Hut Giant Hideway for Reptiles

Pool toys

Floaties for kids actually make a good enough toy for adult tegus. Whether in water or on the ground, they will enjoy climbing on them.

Tegus are actually decent swimmers so you can let them bathe in an inflatable kids pool or bath tub making sure the water is not too deep and they are able to get out.

There are actually quite a few brands of floaties made specifically for lizards, but they are generally meant for bearded dragons which are considerably smaller in size than adult tegus. If your tegu is still juvenile though they may still fit!

Sumergio Inflatable Swim Rings for toddlers

Sethous Intlatable Bath Floaties for Lizard

Haichen Tec Swimming Collar Ring for Reptiles

Cat toys

Cat toys can be a source of entertainment for tegu.

Mice toys for cats are best avoided because if your tegu mistakes them for prey they will attempt to swallow them whole.

Cat wands and toys that do not have small parts or feathers that your tegu could accidentally eat are safer.

LEFTSTARER 2-in-1 Collapsible Cat Tunnels Beds and Hideout for Pets

Rainbow Cat Charmer

Puzzle toys

Treat balls and puzzle toys for dogs work wonders when it comes to entertaining tegus and keeping them mentally stimulated.

Simply place your pet’s favorite treat in the toy and let the tegu smell it, they will then have to solve a puzzle (or more likely, try to destroy the thing) to get rewarded.

TRIXIE Dog Activity: Pet Strategy Games & Interactive Dog Puzzles, Great for Mental Stimulation

Pet Zone IQ Treat Ball – Adjustable Dog treat Ball and Treat Dispensing Toy

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