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Can Tegus eat eggs?

Tegu lizards can safely eat most types of eggs. It is safe to feed tegus chicken and quail eggs, oavsett om det är rå, kokta, med eller utan skal.

I det vilda, tegu lizards are excellent egg hunters and have been observed preying on both bird and crocodile eggs.

Ägg är en bra proteinkälla och deras skal är i stort sett bara gjorda av kalcium, so it’s best to feed them whole. 

The best way to feed egg to your tegu is to soft-boil the egg for a few minutes as to keep the yolk runny, and then let the tegu eat it together with the shell.

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Can tegu eat egg?
Tegu vs Egg

Cooked vs Raw egg

While it is generally best to feed your tegu uncooked foods, raw eggs can lead to problems in large amounts.

This is because they contain an enzyme called avidin which may impact your pet’s ability to absorb biotin (vitamin B7), leading to skin problems and shedding issues.

This enzyme is mostly contained in the egg white and can be denatured by heat, which is why feeding your tegu scrambled or soft boil eggs is not a bad idea.

Keep in mind though that cooking the egg will also make it less nutritious. As long as you don’t overdo it, feeding eggs raw is preferrable.

Some people argue that boiling your egg for a minute or so is ideal in order to get rid of salmonella, this is unnecessary as reptiles already contain plenty of salmonella in their guts and their stomachs are pretty much unaffected by it.

Feeding eggs to your tegu

Kortfattat: vare sig det är rå eller kokt, hela eller förvrängda, kyckling eller vaktel – det spelar ingen roll. Eggs are an excellent addition to your tegu’s diet in every form, och de utgör en stor källa till kvalitetsprotein och potentiellt kalcium (se till att fota skalen).

Salmonella is not a concern and neither is avidin as long as you mix it up and do not only feed your tegu raw eggs in very large amounts.

Are cooked or raw eggs better for tegu?

You should feed both cooked and raw eggs to your tegu.

Råa ägg är mer näringsrika men de kan orsaka problem i mycket stora mängder på grund av förekomsten av avidin som kan hindra vitamin B7-absorption.

Kokta ägg å andra sidan är mindre näringsrika men innehåller inte avidin.

Can tegus eat egg shells?

You can feed your tegu whole eggs including shell.

I själva verket, you should always offer eggs shell to your tegu, de är en stor källa till kalcium.

Can tegus eat scrambled eggs?

Ja, tegus love scrambled eggs. Vid servering, se till att blanda in äggskalen samt lite grönsaker och kalciumpulver för ökad näring.

Can tegus eat quail eggs?

You can feed your tegu quail eggs as well as chicken eggs, duck eggs, eller någon annan typ av ägg för den delen. I naturen, tegus prey on bird and other reptile eggs, and they have even been observed feeding on crocodile eggs.

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