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Chăm sóc thằn lằn

Chuckwalla (Sauromalus obesus)

Chuckwalla Care – Thông tin, Bao vây, Chế độ ăn & Sức khỏe

Chuckwallas, scientifically known as Sauromalus, are fascinating reptiles primarily found in northern Mexico and the southwestern United States. These robust lizards are known for their unique appearance and are becoming increasingly popular as pets due to their manageable size and relatively low maintenance requirements. Chuckwalla Care Sheet Common Name Chuckwalla Scientific Name Sauromalus Lifespan 15-20 years Size as Adult 12-18 inches Weight 1-2 pounds Diet Herbivorous Enclosure Size Requirements 40-gallon… Đọc thêm »Chuckwalla Care – Thông tin, Bao vây, Chế độ ăn & Sức khỏe

European Legless Lizard (Pseudopus apodus)

Chăm sóc thằn lằn cụt chân châu Âu – Thông tin, Bao vây, Chế độ ăn & Sức khỏe

The European Legless Lizard, also known as Pseudopus apodus, is a unique and intriguing reptile native to regions spanning from Southern Europe to Central Asia. This species requires specific care to thrive in captivity, including a diurnal enclosure with a thermal gradient, a varied diet of insects and small vertebrates, and regular calcium and vitamin supplementation.

Đào tạo Bô Tegu

phân thằn lằn: Mọi thư bạn cân biêt (Với những tấm hình)

Lizard poop is small, dark brown or black pellets with a white tip. It is the lizard’s urine and feces combined. It can contain harmful bacteria, so it is important to wash your hands after handling it. To clean lizard poop, wear gloves and pick it up with paper towels. Dispose of the droppings in a sealed bag and clean the area with a disinfectant cleaner.

Thằn lằn trèo lên khúc gỗ

Cách khử trùng nhật ký cho chuồng bò sát của bạn

Chủ nuôi bò sát cần học cách khử trùng khúc gỗ để tránh nguy cơ mang mầm bệnh nguy hiểm cho thú cưng. Từ nướng đến tẩy trắng, khám phá các phương pháp khử trùng khác nhau để làm khúc gỗ an toàn cho các loài bò sát thú cưng của bạn.

Lizards and chocolate

Thằn lằn có ăn được sô cô la không?

Lizards such as iguanas and bearded dragons can eat human food, but not chocolate. Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical that is toxic to animals, especially those with slow metabolisms like reptiles. Although some lizards may enjoy chocolate, it is not worth the risk as it can lead to health complications and even death.