» 蓝舌石龙子可以吃浆果吗?


蓝舌石龙子喜欢水果和浆果,喂蓝莓是绝对安全的, 黑莓, 草莓, raspberry and wild berries to your pet skink.

一般来说,浆果的含糖量低得惊人,因此您无需担心定期喂食它们 (不像其他类型的水果), 尽管您可能希望适度食用覆盆子和草莓,因为它们的一些营养成分.

Blue tongue skink with raspberries, 蓝莓, blackberries and strawberries
Blue tongue skink vs all the berries

What berries can you feed to your skink


Blue tongue skinks can eat strawberries in moderation. Strawberries are healthy and nutritious – but they contain potentially harmful amounts of oxalates and goitrogens so they should not be a staple in your skink’s diet. A cup of strawberries contains almost 8 毫克草酸盐.


Raspberries are surprisingly high in oxalates, with a whopping 48mg per cup. They are however a small fruit so it’s generally okay to feed them to blue tongue skinks as a treat, but they should not be a staple in your pet’s diet.


Blueberries are a healthy fruit option for your blue-tongued skink, plus they match the color of its tongue (cute). They only contain about 4 milligrams of oxalates per cup so they can be fed more regularly compared to strawberries.


Blackberries also contain only 4 milligrams of oxalates per cup which makes them another healthy food choice for blue tongue skinks.

蓝舌石龙子的 Reptilink 选项

这 25/25/50 杂食混合物 + Insects retilinks 专为其中含有的成年和亚成年蓝舌石龙子而配制 50% 植物性物质 (没有水果), 25% 昆虫, 和 25% 瘦兔子.

原料: 昆虫 (嘶嘶蟑螂, 蟋蟀, 超级蠕虫), 兔子 (俄亥俄州饲养新西兰白或加州白品种, 包括整个尸体) 有机绿豆, 羽衣甘蓝, 蒲公英绿叶菜, 苣荬菜, 100% 天然胶原蛋白肠衣.

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