» Can Tegus Eat Kale?

Can Tegus Eat Kale?


Unlike spinach and other dark green veggies, which have lots of phosphorus and oxalates, kale has more calcium that your lizard can actually use.

实际上, for every 2.4 parts of calcium, there’s just 1 part of phosphorus in kale. This means kale is higher in calcium that can actually be absorbed by your pet lizard.

与其他主要由水制成的生菜不同, 羽衣甘蓝营养丰富, 还提供维生素A, C, ķ, 钾, 锰, 和镁!

就绿叶蔬菜而言, 羽衣甘蓝是 您可以添加到 tegu 饮食中的最佳食物

Kale is safe and healthy for tegus lizards.

Oxalate and gaitrogens content in Kale

羽衣甘蓝确实含有少量的草酸盐和肠溶激素, 但只要你不每天把它喂给你的 tegu, 你没有什么可担心的. 即使每隔几天喂一次也应该没问题.

为了比较, 菠菜含有 48 草酸盐是羽衣甘蓝的几倍.

Aside from kale, other dark leafy greens such as collard greens, 芥菜, and turnip greens are also excellent options for your tegu.

These leafy greens are highly nutritious and contain a range of essential vitamins and minerals that your pet lizard needs to stay healthy.

Can tegus have kale?

是的, tegus can consume kale as part of their diet. Kale is a highly nutritious leafy green that is safe for tegus to eat.

It contains a good amount of calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals that your pet lizard needs to maintain good health.

然而, like with any food, kale should be given to your tegu in moderation to avoid any potential digestive issues.

Is kale safe for tegus?

是的, kale is safe for tegus to eat.

实际上, kale is a much safer option compared to spinach, which should be avoided as it contains high levels of oxalates that can bind calcium, leading to nutritional deficiencies and other health problems in your tegu.

羽衣甘蓝, 另一方面, has a higher calcium ratio and can be easily absorbed by your pet lizard.

尽管 kale does contain a small amount of oxalates and goitrogens, feeding it to your tegu every couple of days should not pose any significant risk.

What lettuces should I feed to my pet tegu?

Aside from kale, other dark leafy greens such as collard greens, 芥菜, and turnip greens are also excellent options for your tegu.

These leafy greens are highly nutritious and contain a range of essential vitamins and minerals that your pet lizard needs to stay healthy.

然而, 重要的是要 avoid feeding your tegu lettuce types that are mostly composed of water and have little nutritional value, such as iceberg lettuce.

此外, spinach should be avoided due to its high oxalate content, which can lead to health problems in your tegu over time.



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